Chapter 7: Saving Delphie

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T/W: Minor attempted S/A, panic attack


In the dim light of the morning, Astarion lies still, the absence of sleep evident in his unrest. The vampire spawn's internal turmoil manifested in a night of tossing and turning, his mind preoccupied with worries and concerns. Pax attempted to provide solace, slithering over Astarion's form in a soothing manner, yet the haunted thoughts persisted. Delphie was in danger and this reality weighed heavily on Astarion's undead existence.

Despite the exhaustion etched across Astarion's features, there's a newfound determination burning within him. The urgency to rescue Delphie, the only person he truly cares for, fuels his resolve. An air of restlessness surrounds him as Gale diligently works on scribing a scroll of Seeming. The finished scroll finds its way into the hands of Wyll.

Gale's attempt at offering comfort materializes as a comforting hand placed on Astarion's shoulder. However, the rogue, consumed by his thoughts and worries, shrugs off the gesture. The impending danger to Delphie overshadows any immediate solace.

In preparation for their mission, the group adorns themselves in old Absolutist garments, seeking to blend into the surroundings unnoticed. The swirling sigil near the bridge of the inn becomes apparent as they transport themselves to the vicinity outside the Towers. Wyll utters the incantation for the scroll and a transformative magic envelops them, morphing their appearances into those of unknown individuals. As they stand on the threshold of the Towers, the altered visages mark the beginning of a daring venture to save a cherished life.

The moment they descend the stairs and close the door behind them, the group swiftly discards their disguises, revealing their true forms and unleashing a coordinated assault on the guards. Lae'zel, wielding her formidable longsword, exhibits a ruthless efficiency as the blade cuts through a guard, leaving behind a gruesome tableau of blood and a severed head. Halsin, embracing his druidic powers, undergoes a rapid transformation into a massive bear, engaging another guard with powerful claw strikes as two more descend the smaller staircase beside them.

Wyll combines agile rapier strikes with a burst of red crackling energy, a gift bestowed upon him by his patron. Astarion, positioned further ahead, demonstrates a deadly finesse, dispatching the potential of more guards with precision as his daggers find their mark in two scrying eyes, sending the robotic creatures to the ground.

In the midst of the chaos, a guard attempts to ambush Astarion from behind. However, the vampire spawn's evasive maneuvers and swift footwork allow him to dance around the assailant, executing a clean slice across the Absolutist's throat, spraying crimson all over him and the floor. Astarion's eyes glimmer with an animalistic rage, a manifestation of the intense determination to save Delphie. His focus is unwavering, fueled by an undeniable need to rescue the person who melted the ice around his cold, unbeating heart.

The warden, accompanied by a scrying eye, emerges from the watchtower in an attempt to intervene. However, she finds herself repelled by a bolt of red magic, followed swiftly by a crossbow bolt piercing her chest. Halsin, in his bear form, proudly charges at the remaining scrying eye, reveling in its defeat.

As the group faces one last guard, Lae'zel, exasperated by the persistence, effortlessly fires a crossbow bolt at him without even glancing.

"Astarion!" A voice echoes through the tense air as the group pauses to catch their breath. The pale elf turns swiftly to find a red-skinned tiefling desperately trying to gain his attention. Taken aback by the woman addressing him directly, Astarion hastens toward the cell, realizing that it is Rolan's sister.

Desperation etched on his face, Astarion urgently inquires, "Where'd they take her?" His concern for Delphie evident in his voice. Halsin, Wyll, and Lae'zel close in, forming a united front.

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