Chapter 5: A Dark Justiciar's Destiny

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T/W: Implied S/A, child abuse


Over the next few days, the party investigates the odd case of Art Cullugh, a bard who's in a strange catatonic state continuously mentioning the name Thaniel. With the help of Halsin, they discover that Thaniel was the spirit of the land before it was engulfed in the shadow curse. Only Thaniel can break the curse and Halsin deduces that Art knows where he is. Their investigation unveils Art's last order as a Flaming Fist mercenary: a mission to explore the House of Healing. It's their only lead, so they follow it.

Journeying once more through the Shadow-Cursed Lands, bathed in the comforting radiance bestowed by the pixie and Isobel, the party soon identifies the familiar structure as the one where they encountered Galure Elaveer. Sensing Delphie's tense demeanor, Astarion promptly intertwines their hands, offering a reassuring squeeze—his silent vow that no one will touch her again.

Upon entering the building, they witness something truly gutwrenching—Arabella's parents lie motionless on two cots, being 'tended' to by Sister Lidwin, a young undead trader. Nobody's heart breaks more than Delphie's who had hope that the young tiefling's parents were still alive. A single tear trails down her cheek before she quickly wipes it away, hoping nobody notices.

More determined than ever, Delphie straightens her posture and leads the party further into the decaying building. Patches of dried blood and dirt mar the once pristine tile flooring, while unkempt mattresses, bedrolls, and pillows lie scattered across the space. In a particular room, their gaze falls upon a skeleton resting on a bedroll, its finger adorned with a ring identical to the one discovered the day before, emanating a similar energy.

Showing the ring to Delphie, he witnesses a soft smile spread across her face as she delicately slides it onto his finger. Yet, even in that moment of connection, the sadness lingers in her eyes. Almost immediately, the two feel closer than ever as if they're sharing the same body.

Pressing forward, still oblivious to the rings' complete effects, the party approaches a room that unfolds the most disturbing sight a few of them have witnessed. A horrifying creature, a fusion of undead and construct elements, employs makeshift clawed hands to gruesomely extract a poor man's eyes from his sockets. The macabre spectacle triggers a descent into a dark emotional abyss for Delphie.

Astarion suddenly perceives the turmoil within her – the stomach-churning lurch, the vice-like grip of her hands nearly drawing blood with tightly clenched nails, and most terrifying, the struggle for air. As a vampire, breathing holds no necessity for him; he's already dead. Yet, the inexplicable sensation washes over him. Hastily, he seeks out the wood elf's hand once again, providing a grounding anchor that finally steadies Delphie from the harrowing turmoil.

The grotesque creature imparts the 'teachings of Shar' to the undead girls surrounding him. Aware that a confrontation would be formidable, Astarion opts for a diplomatic approach. Persuading the creature to allow the girls to practice their teachings on him, the party is taken aback when the unconventional plan succeeds. The undead girls, with surprising compliance, relentlessly stab the creature until he ceases his movements.

A smirk plays on Astarion's lips as he chuckles, finding amusement in the unexpected turn of events – reveling in the irony of witnessing 'minions turning on their masters.'

Discovering a battered lute in the possession of the defeated creature, Delphie senses it might hold the key to awakening Art. Returning to Halsin, she skillfully plays along with the song the comatose man had been incessantly singing. Miraculously, the man stirs, roused from his catatonic state. It is only then that Halsin realizes Thaniel is still trapped in the Shadowfell.

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