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Outerbanks, paradise on earth— or, at least that's what they say. It's much different from my Australian hometown, that's for sure.

"Lav!" I hear Dad call from the lounge room. "You're on in ten!"

"Yeah!" I call back, smoothing my slightly damp salt-ridden hair down as I walk past my mirror. I frown at the sight of my sunburnt cheeks, Dad is for sure going to kill me. A 'quick surf' turned into being out there for an hour or two... sunscreen was clearly forgotten.

"Clean up all this sand, too— there's water everywhere, Lavender!" he groans, stomping down the stairs to the shop door.

I lightly chuckle at his frustration, grabbing a white, short sleeve button up and throwing it over my blue bikini, leaving it open, and then sliding some denim shorts up right after.

We moved to the Outerbanks exactly two weeks ago, just Dad and I together. Moving halfway across the world was unexpected— but it was Mums dream. After her passing last year, we both needed to leave and start somewhere fresh. She was everywhere we went, down the street, at the beach, near the old playground, at that one table in our favourite pub. She left her mark in the most beautiful way possible, but it constantly ate away at Dad and I.

Our luck of finding this beach shack was unbelievable, it's everything Mum would've ever wanted. Right on the beach, massive windows, a shop connecting to the bottom of it, right near town— it was perfect. Unbelievably perfect. I don't think we had ever purchased something so quick in our lives.

"There's six new boxes of Billabong shirts behind the counter," Dad announces as I walk through the shop door, throwing a set of keys at me. I catch them in a swift motion. "Try and get them put away before close for me please, love." he smiles kindly.

Our surf shop was taking off in sales, more than we ever thought it would. Being set in such a small place you wouldn't think business would be as good as it's been for us, especially when we've only been set up for a couple of weeks, but it's been that busy that we're already advertising for new employees.

"Can do, Dad." I respond, clipping the keys to the belt loop of my shorts.

Dad's been working really hard to make Mum's dream come to life. He's been knee deep in supply orders, renovations, and phone calls for the past few days. I know how much this job means to him— how much it means to us. He's been handling the shops crazy amount of success quite well, though. I'm proud of him.

"Thank you," he says, planting a kiss on my forehead before making his way to the door. "I need to answer some phone calls— the shops all yours. I'll be upstairs!"

With Dad gone and a slow start to this afternoons shift, I'm able to stock three wracks worth of new stock and set up two display tables, leaving the six boxes empty and completed. The front door rings just as I finish cutting down the last box, leaving the six of them sitting in a neat pile near the back door.

I turn around to meet a head of long, curly brown hair and tan skin wearing a quite irritated expression. She runs a hand through the tangled mess as she approaches the counter, catching eyes with me. She looked around my age— a smaller frame with younger features. I was sure she had just come from the beach herself, with her outfit being a pair of baggy jeans with a white bikini.

"G'day!", I greet her. "How can I help?"

Her eyes widen at the sound of my voice, the irritation leaving her face completely. "Australian?" she gasps. "You're joking!"

I let out a chuckle, awkwardly scratching the back of my neck. I get this question about 10 times a shift— I don't understand why Americans are always so in love with foreigners, but it's sweet to see them so interested. "Yeah! We just moved here a couple of weeks ago!"

"No wonder I haven't seen you before." she laughs. "Anyways, I'm just needing to get my hands on a new board."

"Yeah, not a problem, they're just down there." I point to the back wall. "Anything in particular you're looking for?"

"Something that's snap-proof," she groans. "My asshole of a friend just snapped mine in half. I need to put him on a leash or something."

"I'm sorry, he snapped it?" I question, eyes wide with disbelief. "They're almost impossible to snap!"

"Not for idiots, they're not." she chuckles, scanning the display of boards on the wall.

"I'll let you choose, give me a shout when you're ready." I smile, leaving the girl to make a decision.

I walk back to the table displays, finishing the final touches to the pile of denim shorts and flattening them down so they're neat. I take a step back and admire my work just as the girl calls out to me.

"I think I've chosen!"

I grab a step ladder and walk over to her, sitting it against the wall. "Which one are you after?"

She points to a long, white board with blue detailing— quite a pretty board actually. We've sold two of these this week already. "That's the one."

"Easy as." I respond, climbing up the ladder and unhooking the board from the wall. I step down the ladder and walk it over to the counter, the girl following close behind me.

We reach the counter and I scan the barcode. "Just $265.50 today, thank you." She digs a couple of notes out of her pocket and hands them to me.

As I tap through her change on the kiosk, the front door bell rings as another customer enters the shop— somehow wearing even more of an irritated expression than the girl when she walked in.

"Kiara, how much longer are you gonna be? I'm about to drown JJ in the ocean." the boy complains, rolling his eyes. "I swear the kid needs genuine help."

I watch in silence as she shoots the boy a dirty look, nudging his head towards me with wide eyes. His gaze follows the direction she's referring too, making eye contact with me. "Oh!" he awkwardly says. "Uh— hi! Ignore that, pretend you never heard it." he walks to the counter, holding his hand out. "I'm Pope!"

I laugh and take his hand, shaking it. "Lavender. Is this the same friend that snapped the board?" I ask, handing the girl, or Kiara as Pope called her, her change.

"Yep, same one." she purses her lips. "A real dickhead." she deadpans, making Pope and I laugh.

"Let's hope he doesn't break this one, yeah?" I joke— watching as she also brings her hand out to me.

"Kie." she grins.

I take her hand, smiling back to her. "Lav."

She pulls away and shoves the change in her pocket, grabbing the board. "It was nice meeting you. Don't be a stranger, okay?" she smiles.

I nod. "I'll see you guys around."

And with that, the two leave the shop after saying their goodbyes, leaving me back to my displays. I watch as the two run across the beach, obviously meeting up with their other friends. They looked like fun, apart from their 'asshole friend'— I feel like he'd make me want to smack my head against a wall. Repeatedly.

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wattpad deleting my stories can't stop me i'm back 😛😛😛😛😛😛😛😛😛

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