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The rumble of the HMS Pogue's engine slows as we near the motel displayed on the set of keys we found at the wreck. The place was a complete shit-show, and I'm sure it wasn't all just Agatha's fault.

I had never heard of this motel before today and the state of it purely explains why. It was covered in overgrown grass, bushes and stains of god knows what... it wasn't a pretty sight. Neither was the pile of rubbish floating against the shore — this had Kie riled up.

JJ let's out a whistle from beside me. "And I thought the Chateau looked bad." he cringes, having to squint up at the building due to the sun lowering. I lean down and grab the rope, passing it to him so he can secure the boat in place.

John B lets out a laugh, pulling in closer to the dock. "This place is a shit-show."

"Motel or meth lab?" Kie agrees.

"You be the judge." Pope mutters, looking around to see if anyone's about.

"Doesn't look like a place somebody with a Grady-White would stay." I point out, sitting on the edge of the boat and using my foot to push away floating rubbish from the water, trying not to get it stuck in the motor.

"No, it looks like a place someone with a Grady-White would get killed." Pope deadpans, making me raise a brow at him.

"Touché, I guess." I shrug.

John B pulls in next to the dock and shuts the engine off. I stand from my seat as JJ launches off the boat, muttering something stupid about how the 'HMS Pogue was coming in for landing'. He ties it off effortlessly, turning to us with a cheeky grin.

"We good?" John B asks.

"We great!" the boy replies.

"Alright," he sighs, standing up. "Here goes nothing... Lav, you still coming?"

John B had asked if I wanted to come with him and JJ while we were on our way here. Kie had also demanded that I go, saying that the two needed someone 'normal' to keep them from doing anything they shouldn't. Pope disagreed with this, saying that I was just as bad. After a few too many debates. Kie eventually got her way.

"Of course!" I answer, jumping off the boat and landing next to JJ. "Wouldn't wanna miss it."

"Hey." Pope suddenly says, making the three of us turn around. "Don't let him do anything stupid... the both of them, for that matter." he rolls his eyes, pointing at JJ and I.

I let out a chuckle as JJ says, "Oh, we will." We both grin at the group as he throws an arm around my shoulder.

John B throws his hands in the air at the boys response. "I'm not making any promises."

"Yeah, I know." Pope sighs, shaking his head.

"Be careful." Kie says gently to John B as she passes the key to him, letting her hand linger in his for a little longer. "I mean it." The two stare at each other for a brief second.

JJ slowly turns to me with a raised brow, doing his best not to laugh. I look back at him with the same look and mouth 'Pussywhipped', making the boy snort.

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