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JJ's hold on my hips goes impossibly tighter as we edge as far away from the window as we can. Entering the motel, I had no idea that less than twenty minutes later I'd be sandwiched between a wall and JJ Maybank, hiding from the police on a windowsill ledge.

We had to move fast when the police entered the premises, and it was way too risky to stay inside the room. The best place to go was out the window and on the ledge, staying as close to the wall as we could to hide ourselves from their view. I mean... it wasn't the safest idea — the two story drop lowkey made my heart fall to my ass, but it was better than being questioned by Shoupe, the OBX deputy and certified douchebag.

I glance behind me to see a stressed Pope bouncing around on the boat, flailing his arms around. "What are you guys doing?" he whisper shouts, making John B put a finger up to his mouth as if to tell him to be quiet.

John B holds tight onto the pole in front of him, looking at me with wide eyes. He slowly moves his head forward, grabbing onto one of the bricks on the wall to keep himself from falling. He peers into the room, and I find myself doing the same.

I almost loose my shit as soon as I see Shoupe lift one of the wads of cash, showing it to the other officer he has with him with a satisfied look on his face.

"Sir?" she questions, looking at him and the stack dumbfoundedly.

The man shrugs. "Everybody's gotta dip their beak."

"What the f—" JJ whispers from behind me as I clench my jaw.

"Asshole." I grumble, wishing nothing more than to throw a rock at his head right now.

"Uh— right... right. Their beak." she mutters, taking the stack out of his gloved hand.

John B glances over to us with furrowed brows, making JJ shake his head and reach into his pocket. "Do you believe-" he starts, but is quickly stopped by a loud clatter. The gun he had sitting in his pocket had fallen, smacking straight onto the metal roofing on the grass below us.

Yeah! Just what we needed.

I scrunch my face up and inch as far as I can away from the window, not even breathing when Shoupe rips the blinds open. JJ is quick to manover himself behind me, creating more room on the ledge.

His chest is flush against my back, rising and lowering with each breath he takes. I look over to John B who once again, points his finger to his mouth and softly tells us to be quiet. I bite my lip and find myself moving my head back, resting it in the crook of JJ's neck.

The three of us stand there in complete silence, waiting for the officer to leave the window. It's like a weight is completely lifted off my shoulders when I finally hear him say, "Alright. Let's go." to his partner, making me let out the shakiest breath ever.

Once we know that they've left by hearing the door to the motel close, I'm quick to turn around to the idiot who is standing behind me. "Asshat!" I say, slapping his shoulder.

• • •

"Well..." the blonde head of hair starts, leaning back on the HMS Pogue. "That was fun! Could've warned us sooner." he says, glancing over to Kiara.

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