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* a week later *

"You hungry?" I ask dad, throwing myself onto the couch.

We had just closed the shop up after a huge day of sales. On Sundays, we close at 2pm instead of 5:30pm so we have at least one afternoon a week to chill out and get stuff done that doesn't relate to the business. Though— Dad's been knee deep in resumes and interviews. We're in deep need of new staff, we're both dying with how much hours a week we're doing.

"Starving," he replies, looking up from his seat next to the kitchen bench. He takes his glasses off his face and places them on top of the pile of resumes. "Do you mind heading out? I'll give you some money?"

"No, no," I wave him off. "Don't be a wanker, it's on me." I stand up from the couch and grab a pair of converse from my room, sitting back down to pull them onto my feet. I pull the laces around my foot, tying them so they're wrapped around the back of my ankle. These laces were so long and I'm constantly in danger of falling flat on my ass.

"Y'know, your Mum used to tie her laces like that," he grins, fiddling with the wedding ring that still sits on his left ring finger.

I smile sadly at him, standing up from the couch. "Good minds think alike, yeah?"

"Something like that." he mutters, looking down at his ring, his other hand holding onto Mum's ring that hangs on a lose chain around his neck.

I grab the keys to my Jeep off the kitchen bench and walk towards him, placing a quick kiss to his cheek. "I'll be back in a sec."

"Drive safe, miss," he says sternly. "Remember the road rules."

"Yes, Dad," I laugh. "I only got my US license last week, I'm not trying to lose it already."

"Yeah but have you seen how these fuckers drive around here? It's like they're asking to be killed." he chuckles, unfolding his glasses and placing them back on his nose, scanning over the resumes again.

I shake my head and walk towards the front door, leaving the house. "Love you!"

"Love you too!" he calls back.

* * *

Walking through the doors of the busy restaurant, 'The Wreck', I'm instantly met with the smell of freshly cooked food. A few customers had recommended it to me and said that it was a town favourite— so I decided to check it out. Though, I'm beginning to think that I came at the wrong time. It was so busy in here that there was barely any room to stand.

"Hi!" the young teen greets me from behind the counter. "What can I do for you?"

"Uh," I mutter, scanning the menu board. "Just two chicken wraps with cokes to takeaway, please." I smile.

"$14.45." he grins, holding his hand out as I pass him a couple of notes. He hand me over the change. "Shouldn't be too long."

"Cheers!" I thank him, watching as he furrows his eyebrows. He keeps staring at me like I just had been speaking in a foreign language until I realise that he actually didn't understand what I said. "Oh- Thank you!"

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