The Truth Pt.2

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Heyyy guysss, here's the update revealing some shit that might confuse you guys even more. Have funnn lol

And also, I uploaded a new rewritten version of "Geeky Crush". Go check that out! I love writing new books. But this one isn't gonna be so far off the original plot, just with better grammar and whatnot. Seriously, go check that out and hit the vote and comment button! I love you guys!

Claire's POV

Atticus and Valdus's facial expressions dropped as they looked at each other. Valdus shrugged as Atticus scratched the back of his head awkwardly. They both turned to look at me.

"I forgot girls even got that mother nature stuff. Can't you use toilet paper as a pad? Sort of like how girls stuff their bras?" Valdus questioned me as I gave him a look of disgust. Atticus gave Valdus a look saying 'shut up' and turned back to me.

"What that idiot really means to say is, we'll write that down on our to do lists. Don't worry, you don't get it until the eleventh." Atticus shrugged it off as I paled.

"How would you know that?" I asked in terror as Valdus cleared his throat.

"Well, he kinda stalked you for about seven months. Nothing big, nothing big." Valdus stated as he chuckled at my expression.

"Atticus, that's an invasion of privacy! That's so weird. Oh god, does this mean you even saw-" I was interrupted in the middle of my question.

"I saw everything and heard everything." Atticus stated, his serious expression never wavering. I blushed a bit.

"Even when I farted?" I questioned, mortified at the thought of him watching me.

"Even when you farted." He nodded in confirmation. That blush I had was wiped away. I felt my head go drowsy and I rubbed my temples.

I was tempted to throw a chair at that lunatic.

Stalking girls, isn't that illegal?

"And what the hell was your reason for stalking me? Why am I even here?!" I questioned, furrowing my eyebrows. I could feel myself getting heated, both with embarrassment and anger.

"I have the right. You are my beloved. My soulmate." He deadpanned as Valdus just looked away, scratching his face.

"Actually-" Valdus started, getting interrupted.

"I have the right." Atticus stated once again. Valdus nodded.

"Um, excuse me?" I gained their attention.
"No the fuck you don't." I stated as Atticus narrowed his eyes. 'My mother would not approve of my language.' Shut up conscience, I have the right to say hostile things at the moment.

"Oh really? If I wasn't watching you that evening of the ball, what would have happened?" He questioned, his fangs came out at the memory of that evening. He growled. I thought that only werewolves growl? Well, I'm guessing vampire stories have it all wrong in the hissing category.

"He's right." Valdus stated in agreement. I was getting angry. You ever lose an argument and feel angry, cause you know that you won in your head, but don't know how to form it in words? Yeah, I felt that type of anger brooding in my chest.

"Listen-" I started, but got rudely interrupted.

"I thought that you wanted listen to us? For the truth? Any of that ring a bell?" Valdus questioned as Atticus whacked him behind his head.

"Can't you see she's getting angry?" He whispered heatedly to Valdus. Valdus shrugged.

"She can't hurt us. All she'll be able to do is turn red like a tomato and shout proper grammar." He whispered back. These babbling idiots couldn't whisper for their lives.

I felt frustration heavy on my shoulders at the fact that I was small compared to them. Not body wise, but power wise. The fact that whatever they tried to explain to me didn't make sense was just another thing to frustrate me. Beloved? Soul mate? There's no such thing. All of this seriously has to be a nightmare.

My face felt boiling hot as I began to pant. My anger was getting to me. Usually my mother would be there to calm me down, but all I had were two vampires whispering about me. Not even explaining what they were supposed to, and just overall confusing me. I was confusing myself. Why was everything in life so confusing?

Sweat ran down my neck, as the room temperature began to rise. Valdus and Atticus noticed a change in the air as they both turned to look at me, slowly.

Obviously what they saw was not what they expected, because Valdus jumped out of his seat and pointed at me.

"What the fuck?!" He shouted as Atticus stared at me, interested in something.
His eyes connected with mine, but this time, I couldn't read what they said. My thoughts were too jumbled, it was way too hot, and Valdus was making me feel panicked. Panicked and confused.

"So its true..." Atticus whispered to himself, staring at me in fascination. I continued to sweat as I looked at the windows.

"Can somebody open a window?" I asked, but my throat felt parched. What was this? What was happening? It's hotter than that Mexican burrito I ate two summers ago in McDonalds.

"My love." Atticus's eyes glowed up, a different shade of his usual Scarlett red. This time, his eyes were blood red.

I backed into the frame of the bed, panicking. What was he talking about?

"Can someone just explain the truth to me?" I asked, even more frustrated then I first was. Why was the room so hot? Why was I boiling? Why was Atticus looking at me that way and saying weird things? Why was Valdus shuffling out of the door and closing it? Why?

I didn't know why, but I could feel myself crying. But the tears would quickly evaporate on my skin. What was happening? What's going on? What am I?

"What am I? What's happening?!" I questioned in horror as the blankets and boxes of pop tarts around me lit up in flames. Not the pop tarts! No!

"What are you?" Atticus tested the question on his tongue, leaning forward and somehow, making the temperature go even higher.

"Well my love, you are the prophecy, you are the Phoenix to the monster. Something to light up his life, or so the prophecy foretold." Atticus laughed, caressing my face with his fingertips.

"You are my soulmate." He growled out. Atticus wasn't Atticus anymore. No, he seemed more animal like. More, whats the word? Deadly.

anddddddd scene! Jk jk
So, what do you think happened in this chapter? I'm confused myself, and I'm the author!! Yeah, my fingers type what they want to, and I kinda just make everything get put together. Most of these chapters in these books were not planned at all. No, she was originally supposed to get kindapped and then fall in love like every cliche romance novel ? What the fuxk was I thinking ? Idkkkkk but I'll think of something for the next chapter. I'm like laughing rn lol

Soooooo, comment what you think is gonna happen. I already made up my mind on what's gonna happen tho so yeahh haha
I have a surprise for you guys in the next chapter. But for now, deal with this crappy one. Oh! And go check out geeky crush rewritten!!

Love you guys!!!!!! Sorry for the short chapter.




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