Crows Feet

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•In case you guys were wondering, I'm totes a villain 🦄

Ps. I gave a sneak peak on my Instagram, I'm going to start posting sneak peaks on Instagram. Soooo if you don't want to follow me on Instagram, it's okay because I made my profile not private if you want to check it out lol 🦄

Claire's POV

You've got to be kidding me.

             No seriously, you've got to be fucking kidding me.

               The slimy wart face, known as Dr.Flemston, obviously had a lot of tricks under his sleeve. But, out of all his tricks, did he have to choose this one?

                      I glanced at Celmira, taking notice at how calm and relaxed she seemed. She sat back in Atticus's office chair, putting her hands behind her head. She grinned lazily at me and nodded.

            "Sup?" She says, closing her eyes halfway.

            I'll tell you what's up, you fucking leech. (No offense to Atticus, of course.) Your friend, the doctor that probably isn't even really a doctor- maybe just a whack job with a license- is losing his god damn marbles.  As soon as he drank whatever that blood red liquid in that bottle was, he started screeching. And by screeching, I mean like ferocious bird mama losing her shit type of screeching.

                            I'm so ashamed of my language, but nobody can hear my inappropriate thoughts. Well, except for Merlin, who by the way has yet to show up. Of course, my fire died down as my curiosity lit up like a new edition flame. As did my horror. This man obviously had daddy issues or something, seeing as he was just standing there screeching. Actually- keep screeching dude. The longer you stand there occupying yourself, the less I have to. I honestly don't know how I would have to distract him, most likely fighting.

My brain is snorting right now. I'd most likely have to fire bend- avatar reference. I hope my eye doesn't get scarred up like Zuko's.

Away from my anime thinking, I swear dr. Flemston's screeching intensified. I started to hear a cracking noise, like bones breaking, but more like fire crackling in a sort. I don't know, but it suddenly stopped as dr.Flemston's body fell limp, barely holding himself up, I saw it.

                       A black feather.

              Then another, and then another. Suddenly black feathers were sprouting everywhere on his legs and arms. Some puffing out from his chest. His nose started to stretch, cartilage long forgotten as I started in fear. I wander how bad t hurt. I mean, he wasn't screeching anymore, but he was evolving. I could tell what it was going to be from the feathers- and it creeped me out to the max. At first I thought 'Edgar Allen Poe', but my mind quickly changed as I saw his shoes break.

              And what was inside of the shoes, breaking free as his nightmare black eyes stared at me.

                  Crows feet.

*    *    *    *

Merlin's POV

I tuned out Claire's pleading as I focused on perfecting the best flirtatious smile. I poured the drugged sweet red wine into his glass as he eyed me. He raised an eyebrow as I switched the wine bottles to white wine that wasn't drugged for myself.

"What?" I asked, still smiling. This bitch was on my shit list for years already. His setting up Claire was just the icing on the cake.

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