Adelle's Happiness

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Claire's POV

                          I felt it within me. The despair and the rage. My heart squeezed as I tried to keep my sobs silent. Of course Atticus would feel such powerful rage- but something else was also there. He was feeling fear, and that made me scared too.

                         I was strapped to a cold metal slab, making me tremble-not just in fear. I couldn't move my neck, they have a steel bound there. I'm pretty sure I'm naked too, and that alone was enough to conquer all fears. What would they do to me? I'm in a dark room, strapped to a metal slab, naked. And worst of all, I'm alone.

                    Someone coughed next to me.

                  Oh great, I'm naked in the dark, strapped down, next to an unknown person. He or she could be my potential killer. But then they did something that had my blood running cold. They spoke up.

                       "You'll get used to the cold feeling after a while, Mademoiselle." A child's voice rang out. It sounded soft, and feminine. It ignited not only pity for myself, but anger at the world. Why in hells name was there a child here? I started to struggle against the restraints, panicking.

"Shhhh..they'll come if they here you. Calm, calm, be calm..S'il vous plait quiet down." She whispered quietly, but urgently to me. Her French accent was thick. I stood still, letting out long breaths. Then I closed my eyes, closing the bridges for tears of frustration. I refuse to cry in front of a child who isn't crying in front of me.

"Who will come?" I asked her quietly, and calmly. My voice was thick, but it didn't break. She stayed quiet, and for a moment I thought she didn't hear me. But she spoke up.

"The doctors." She whispered. "They will come, and take you. Just like they took maman." She finished, her voice breaking at the end. I realized that was all she was going to say on the matter. I could hear her furiously wiping away the tears and sniffing. I stilled. I couldn't see her, but I knew if she was touching her face- she wasn't restrained.

"What is your name?" I ask in a hushed voice. She sniffled again.

                         "Je m'appelle Adelle." She replied, her voice muffled. She probably had her thumb in her mouth.

                          By now my heartbeat slowed down, and this child had successfully given me hope by just her existence.

                               "Adelle." I tested the name on my tongue. "What a beautiful name." I muse.

                            "Sweetheart, are you all shackled up?" I ask, desperate to be free. She hesitates before answering.

                          "No." She says. I feel the freedom at my fingertips. I just have to get her to free me. Or at least on of my hands so I can melt the rest of the metal off. I've only mastered channeling fire into my hands. And my body isn't heating up properly in this frozen room.

"Do you think you can help me get out of this?" I ask, hoping that she has some kind of power that can help. I hear movements, and suddenly a face appears in my vision. The slab of metal is kind of lifted off of the ground, but it's still very low. She comes into my vision on her tiptoes. Her small fingers clasp the metal slab, and her blue eyes still seem very watery. It confirms the obvious fact that she was crying.

I can tell that she has tan skin, even in the dark. Her blue eyes seem to be glowing, but that could just be the tears lighting them up. She slowly shakes her head. My hope falters.

"They won't give me maman back if I'm bad." She says, studying my face. I stare at her, wondering what she means by 'bad'.

"If you can help me..I can help you. We can get your- your maman back." I say, faltering at the word maman. I wonder how they came to be here. If they were captured, and what for? What is it that this three year old looking child did wrong?

She looks scared, but I can see the outline of hope in her eyes.

"How long have you been waiting for them to give your maman back? We need to take action. We need to take her back." I say, hoping that she'll agree. Her eyes light up, and I can see the answer in her eyes.

"Once we get her back- you can go back to what makes you happy.." I trail off.

"I like..I like the crêpes maman used to make me. We had a patisserie back at home. I was happy." She stops as she brings her thumb up to her mouth. It must be a habit of hers. Some drag around blankets- others suck on their thumb. Who am I to judge? I used to carry around a pink bunny in a tuxedo until I was like six.

(A/N true story guys. Mother dearest threw him out tho. She was like "are you ready to give him up like a big girl?" And I agreed- and then cried at night lol)

                              "I can help." She confirms in that soft determined voice of hers. I could swear that her blue eyes illuminated even more. Glowing.

                But we were interrupted. Footsteps were heard in the distance, and she backed away. I smiled at her as she looked at me in fear.

                  "They're coming." She said, looking as if she were about to cry. I can only imagine, her always being alone in this cell made her cling onto me. There was hope- and that was all that was needed. I close my eyes as I hear the footsteps stop outside the door, and keys jingle.

                  "Adelle- remember what we talked about when I come back." I say. She lets out a cry.

                   "What if you don't come back l-like maman." She says, and I. Can tell that she's crying again. She breaks off onto French ramblings, and I can't understand her. The door swings open and everything falls silent.

                          Heavy footsteps walk over to me, but I am not filled with fear. I'm ready as they inject my bounded arm with something that I cannot see. I'm ready as I feel myself grow weak and paralyzed. I'm ready as they unlock all of my metal bounds. I'm ready as one of the doctors chuckles wickedly at my nakedness.

                  I'm ready as someone drags me out of the room.

                 And most of all- I'm ready when I whisper "I will bring your happiness back, Adelle."

               And I'm sure that she can hear me through all of her sobbing.

(Adele in the picture at the start of the chapter)

           LETS DO THISSSS !!
Waddup sexy unicorns!! Yes- I did update half of this chapter earlier by mistake (it wasn't completed so I unpublished it and many people were telling me how they couldn't see it, so I finished it and now I'm uploading it) 

             What are your thoughts on this chapter?? Poor Adelle.





(AS ALWAYS- I love you all so much. Even if you guys are like "ew who tf are you- I just read ur chapters- don't love u ew #ew" I still LOVE YOU ALL )

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