Youth Group

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This is a true story. I was about 13 in this story. 

My best friend Sari had been begging me to go to her youth group with her for a while now.

I finally agreed.

She went to a giant church with a ton of people so they had a sign in sheet in the front. 

When I went to sign in Sari had grabbed the paper from me and wrote Cal.

That's what she called me, because she thought Arabella and Ara sounded too formal.

We went in to sit with the other kids and when the youth leaders started looking through the sheet they saw Cal and didn't recognize the name so they started asking who Cal was. Sari stopped me from telling them that I was Cal.

They started yelling at a kid who's name was Calvin, asking him if it was supposed to be a joke and the kid had looked seriously scared.

After awhile Sari told everyone I was Cal and now whenever I go to her church everyone calls me Calvin.

Hope you enjoyed this


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