Hunger Games

34 4 20

I put my family through the Hunger Games. I'm not really paying attention to the whole age requirements, so there are 5-year-olds as well as 20-year-olds. This is with me, my dad's family, my stepdad's family, and some random friends/ cousins.

I had my family each pick a different number randomly and this is what they all chose. I think Jade knew what I was doing.

District 1: Finn and Maria                                   District 2: Forrest and Mara

District 3: Fletcher and Kira                              District 4: Ethan and Lorrie

District 5: Todd and Shawna                            District 6: Luke and Paris

District 7: Kole and Arwen                                District 8: Peter and Sidrid

District 9: Mark and Jewel                                District 10: Darren and Sophia

District 11: Noah and Arabella (me)             District 12: James and Jade

Before continuing, who do you want to win? Any predictions? 

 Bloodbath: Finn grabs a bag of food. Maria grabs a shield off of the ground. Forrest dashes to the forest to avoid the bloodbath. Mara grabs the supplies furthest away from the cornucopia and quickly escapes. Fletcher breaks Kira's nose for a basket of bread. Ethan and Lorrie both go for the same axe. Ethan gives up and retreats. Todd grabs a trident and food and retreats. Shawna almost kills Todd with a throwing knife but misses. Luke grabs a trident and food and retreats. Paris almost kills Luke with a throwing knife but misses. Kole snatches some arrows from the cornucopia. Arwen runs into the cornucopia and tries to hide from the others. Peter snatches a bottle of alcohol and a blade. Sidrid grabs the supplies furthest away from the cornucopia and quickly escapes. Mark gathers as much food as he can. Jewel grabs a trident and food and retreats. Darren almost kills Jewel with a throwing knife but misses. Sophia, Noah, and Arabella get into a fight. Sophia triumphantly kills them both. James grabs a sickle and Jade gets a slingshot. 

Deaths: Noah and Arabella 

Not much of a bloodbath, but that's a good thing, right? I can't believe that I'm already dead.

Day one: Finn sees poison fog but manages to escape. Maria tries to sleep in order to reduce stress. Forrest makes a wooden spear from tree branch. Mara, Fletcher, Kira, and Ethan form a suicide pact, killing themselves so that nobody else can. Lorrie, Todd, Shawna, and Luke raid Paris's camp while she is away. Kole defeats Arwen in a fight, but spares her life. Peter dreams about home back at his district. Sidrid sprains her ankle while running away from Mark. Jewel camouflages herself in a cave type area. Darren tries to sleep in order to reduce stress. Sophia chases James. Jade discovers a water source.

Deaths: Mara, Ethan, Fletcher, and Kira

Sophia is vicious! 

Night one: Finn convinces Maria to stand guard for the night while he sleeps. Forrest receives clean water from an unknown sponsor. Lorrie, Todd, and Shawna have deep conversation and discuss the challenged that will come the next morning. Luke looks at the night stars and sky and wonder if it's real. Paris unknowingly eats poisonous berries. Kole, Arwen, Peter, and Sidrid joke with each other. Mark feels delirious and forgets where he is. Jewel, Darren, and Sophia have deep conversation and discuss the challenged that will come the next morning. James receives a hatchet and water from an unknown sponsor.  Jade sets up camp for the night.

Deaths: Paris

I wonder what they're joking about? The fact that Arwen tried to hide inside of the cornucopia during the bloodbath? 

Day two: Finn overhears Maria and Forrest talking in the distance. Lorrie rests in a ravine, and finds comfort thinking of her father Todd tries to sleep in order to reduce stress. Shawna rests in a ravine, and finds comfort thinking of her father. Luke receives healing ointment from a sponsor. Kole searches for water. Arwen kills Peter with a hand-made weapon. Sidrid and Mark hunt for other tributes. Jewel thinks about her family and starts crying. Darren asks Sophia to have mercy on him. James and Jade work together for the day.

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