My Name Is Amusing

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Does anyone else know that wonderful feeling when someone doesn't believe your related to your family because you have your mothers maiden name instead of her married name?

Well if you don't then your missing out.

Honestly it's kinda fun being able to say I'm not related to those freaks and having people believe me.

If my brothers are doing something completely idiotic and I don't join in then I'll just be like I'm friends with their sister and everyone who doesn't know me will believe me. 

Then there's also the fact that I look nothing like my mother. In fact, I questioned my own relation to her until I was like 13. I look like my dad's sister and my mother's grandmother.

It's a challenge, though, when your trying to explain to people that your not adopted, but simply look like you belong to a different family.

My third oldest brother took me out to an ice-cream place once, for brother-sister bonding time(that's what he called it). His friends were there. I had never met his any of these specific friends so they had no idea that I was his sister. They walked over to me when I was getting my ice-cream and asked what my name was. I told them, without knowing who they were. My brother came back from grabbing his wallet from the car. His friends then proceeded to ask if I was his girlfriend. They didn't let him answer and instead congratulated him on having me as his girlfriend. He finally got them to shut up and told them that I was his sister. That was the first and last time I saw those friends of his.

It's really entertaining. Sometimes I play along and it really messes with people. It's awesome. 

Hope this tickled your funny bone.

I have a cat to catch.


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