Extended Family

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This chapter is dedicated to @SexyandSarcastic. Thank you for the inspiration. 

(Did I spell your username right?)

This is basically just a list of my extended family. Get ready for a headache!!!!

All of the cousins, uncles, and aunts are in order of age. The cousins are put into groups with their siblings. 


Mom- Jesse

Stepdad- Paul

Dad- David

Stepmom- Harriet

Jerk Stepdad- I'm not going to add his name

Mom's side:
Popo- Mom's dad

Nana- Mom's mom

Aunt Linda- Mom's sister

Uncle Kim- Married to Aunt Linda

Uncle Mich- Mom's brother

Aunt Carrie- Married to Uncle Mich

Uncle Frank- Uncle Mich's best friend 

Cousins from Mom's side:

Joseph- Aunt Linda and Uncle Kim's son

Lorrie- Aunt Lina and Uncle Kim's daughter

Chris- Aunt Linda and Uncle Kim's son

Shawna- Aunt Linda and Uncle Kim's daughter

Chloe- Uncle Mich and Aunt Carrie's daughter

Cleo- Uncle Mich and Aunt Carrie's daughter-Chloe's twin

Tucker-Uncle Mich and Aunt Carrie's son

Paris- Uncle Mich and Aunt Carrie's daughter

Brooklyn- Uncle Mich and Aunt Carrie's daughter

Kyle- Adopted by Uncle Frank

Stepdad's side:

Meema- Stepdad's mom

G.G.- Stepdad's stepmom

Grandpa- Stepdad's dad

 Uncle Dan- Dad's brother

Aunt Jerri- Uncle Dan's wife

Uncle Jake- Stepdad's brother

Aunt Marie- Divorced from Uncle Jake

Uncle Aaron- Stepdad's brother

Uncle Tanner- Stepdad's half-brother

Aunt Nori- Stepdad's half-sister

Cousins on Stepdad's side:

Pippin- Uncle Dan and Aunt Jerri's son

Merry- Uncle Dan and Aunt Jerri's son

Arwen- Uncle Dan and Aunt Jerri's daughter

Bard- Uncle Dan and Aunt Jerri's son

Kili- Uncle Dan and Aunt Jerri's son

Fili- Uncle Dan and Aunt Jerri's son

Tauriel- Uncle Dan and Aunt Jerri's daughter

Sidrid- Uncle Dan and Aunt Jerri's daughter

Tilda- Uncle Dan and Aunt Jerri's daughter

Bain- Uncle Dan and Aunt Jerri's son

(As you can tell Uncle Dan and Aunt Jerri really like The Hobbit and The Lord Of The Rings. I feel really bad for these cousins. It also kinda feels like they were having a competition with my stepdad to see who could have the most kids.)

Sam- Aunt Nori's daughter (Her real name is Samantha, but she will hurt anyone who calls her that)

Josie- Uncle Jake and Aunt Marie's daughter

Leroy- Uncle Jake and Aunt Marie's son

Eli- Uncle Jake and Aunt Marie's son

Dad's side:

Grandma- Dad's mom

Pops- Dad's dad

Aunt Greta- Dad's sister (Her name confuses me. Why did my grandparents even pick that?)

Uncle Jack- Aunt Greta's husband

Cousins on Dad's side:

Jack- Aunt Greta and Uncle Jack's son

Stepmom's side:

Grandma- Stepmom's mom

Gramps- Stepmom's dad

Aunt Cora- Stepmom's sister

Uncle Ian- Stepmom's brother

Aunt Minnie- Uncle Ian's wife

Cousin's on Stepmom's side: 

Keegan-Aunt Cora's adopted son

Jewel- Aunt Cora's adopted daughter

Nina- Aunt Cora's adopted daughter

Lulu- Uncle Ian and Aunt Minnie's daughter

Jerk Stepdad's family:

Aunt Carol- She's the only one who will talk to me. The rest have kind of just ignored me after what happened, which I couldn't be happier about. Aunt Carol will visit me a lot, though, and take me out to eat like nothing bad ever happened. I like her pretty well.

People who hang out at Stepdad's house a lot:

Harry- James's friend

Mark- Mark's friend (He basically lives off of us. He even has his own room.)

Jade- My friend (She has dyslexia so I help her with a lot of her schoolwork. The reading part. She's really smart so she helps me when I get stuck on questions.)

Gabe- I'm not sure who's friend he is

Yuri and Yara- Forrest, Fletcher, and Finn's friends

Scruffles- A stray cat that hangs out at our house

Jason- A baby raccoon that will let some of us pet it

Squack- A parrot that lives in our woods. We're not sure where he came from, but he likes us. We'll be playing in a tree house and he'll fly over and repeat every stinking thing we say.


I don't want to get into detail with second cousins and who knows what else. It's currently 3:20 AM and I'm trying to do an all nighter with some friends. Jade is here and has been trying to convince everyone else to sleep for at least an hour. She is failing.

Thanks for reading!!!!


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