Family Profile- Darren

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I'm going to make chapters about my family/close friends because I'm bored.

Name: Darren

Age: 26 

Eye color: Dark brown

Hair color: Blonde? 

Height: Taller than me

Favorite food: Pizza (He will sometimes eat a whole frozen pizza instead of the dinner that we make)

Favorite color: Blue

Favorite dessert: Brownies with M&Ms

Favorite saying: Where's the woman? (He calls his wife woman.)

Favorite activity: Whining about how little attention he gets from his wife.

Favorite person: Tie between Zane and Mara

Favorite drink: Whiskey

Favorite animal: Goblin shark

Favorite flower: Monkey face

Random facts: Pretends like he's serious and mature, but is obviously not. Will laugh if you randomly say pretty much anything. Forgets to tie his shoe, so Mara usually has to remind him to do that. Hasn't been to the dentist's in years. Only reason he went to the doctor's is because his wife was pregnant. 

Random questions you would like me to ask him: 

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