The helmet

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After that day with Darth Esvietis, many more followed where I was beaten up or choked, mostly by Darth Vader or his Stormtroopers. More than four weeks had passed and there was still no sign that somebody was going to rescue me, was I that unimportant to the order?

My droid Zara-3 was probably destroyed or reprogrammed to serve the dark side, but she would not be much of a help after all. All I could hope was that the Jedi were planning on sending somebody to rescue me.

The good thing was I got food, just one portion in two days. It tasted quite bad, but it kept me alive. Usually I was sleeping or crying on my mattress. I only stopped crying when I was sleeping or when somebody entered my cell, I didn't want them to see me at my worst.

As I was reflecting over my life choices, I heard a familiar sound, the sound my door made when it opened. I looked to see who came in and saw Darth Vader walking into my room, followed by more than five Stormtroopers. Which was unusual, normally there were only one to three Stormtroopers with Darth Vader.

Two Stormtroopers approached me and put some thick handcuffs on my wrists. I was confused and wanted to know where they were taking me, however I wasn't brave enough to ask. The two Stormtroopers dragged me out of my room and into the corridors of the Death Star. I was surrounded by Stormtroopers. In front of them was Darth Vader, leading them to a huge imperial spaceship.

They put me into a cell with five other women, they looked like they had been through a lot. I sat next to a friendly looking woman, her clothes were revealing and dirty, and she looked a few years older than me.

"Hey, do you know where they are taking us?" I asked her.

"We're on our way to Jabba's palace, they want to sell us." She replied sadly. I spotted a girl crying in a corner, she looked like she had been beaten up recently.

"Why would he need us? I mean, I heard he has more than enough servants." I asked her confused.

"Honey, we're not going to be servants, I wish we would." Another woman replied.

"And for what purpose are we being sold, then?"

"Sluts, we will become Jabba's sluts if he buys us." She replied to my question. I was petrified, me? A slut? I was a Jedi, that was against our rules.

Out of anger, I jumped up and started hammering against the cell door, screaming on the top of my lungs. I preferred to be killed than being sold to Jabba the Hutt, he was disgusting, not only was he ugly, he was also a bad person.

Some Stormtroopers came up to our cell to see what was going on. As soon as they saw me they pulled out their Comlink and started talking to someone, I couldn't hear what they were saying, but they were surely talking about me.

They opened the cell and took me out. We walked down the dark corridor of the ship into a different room. The room was big, in the middle of it I could spot an elegant wooden desk with a matching dark green desk chair and a scary-looking armchair with a lot of stun cuffs that was positioned right in front of the desk.

The Stormtroopers took me over to the armchair and made me sit down, then they took off my handcuffs and secured my hands and feet to the armchair.

Then I heard some footsteps from behind me, the Stormtroopers left the room, leaving me and the mysterious person alone. The footsteps were coming towards me, however, they didn't stop in front of me, the person proceeded to sit down on the desk chair, that was behind the desk. The desk was so close to the armchair it was almost touching me.

It was Darth Vader, I wondered if he could leave me alone for once in my miserable life. While I was still trying to get out of the uncomfortable armchair, moving my hands and feet, to lower the stun cuffs, he said:

"Well, I heard you are a bit of a troublemaker. Aren't Jedi supposed to control their emotions?" He said in his deep voice.

"I am not letting you sell me to that monster!" I shouted back, I was raging in anger, a feeling a Jedi shouldn't feel, like he said, but honestly, at that moment I didn't really care.

"Do you prefer me instead?" He chuckled.

I knew it wasn't a question he was expecting an answer on. Although he had been treating me like shit, I preferred being beaten up than somebody taking advantage of my body.

I looked at the wall next to me, I couldn't stand to look at this heartless machine any more. I was trying to contain my anger, perhaps my chances to finally escape would be higher in Jabba's palace.

All of a sudden, I heard a strange sound coming from Darth Vader, the sound was similar to the sound of a machine being switched off. I tuned to look at him to see what it was. To my surprise, I saw him with his helmet in his hands and his face uncovered. He left the helmet on the table next to him. Then he started writing something on a piece of paper.

I had a closer look at his face. His skin looked soft, he had a couple of scars in his face that looked like they were caused a long time ago. He had a pair of enchanting blue eyes and gorgeous rosy lips. One of his scars was going through his right eyebrow, stopping under his right eye. The other scar he had in his face was on his left cheek, it wasn't that big, but it seemed fresher than the other one. His neck also had a few 2 cm scars, but they were almost invisible.

His soft looking hair, was brown and wavy. It seemed like he had tied it up in a small ponytail to put on his helmet, his hair must have gone approximately till his shoulders or a bit less.

His scary, loud breaths were gone, now you could barely hear him breathing. Why would he hide such beauty under that horrible suit? I thought he was ugly or had been bad injured, turned out he was completely fine.

"What are you staring at?" He raised his head to look at me. I noticed my mouth was open, I quickly closed it and looked at the wall next to me. I was caught gazing at him, what was I thinking, this was the man who had been choking me non-stop, who used me, who was about to sell me as a slut.

"It just seemed strange seeing you without the helmet." I answered in a dry tone.

"Right, usually I take it off when I am alone." He said with a grin on his face. Why was he grinning? Then I noticed his voice had changed completely, it went from a deep scary voice to a rather pacific voice. It was still deep, but it was a more natural kind of deep. He had the perfect voice for calming somebody down, his voice was relaxing, it didn't match the role of the scary monster he was.

What was I thinking?! He is awful, he killed thousands of innocent people!

After a while, he said, "I'm going to give you one more chance to not get sold to Jabba. Where are the Jedi located?" I immediately snapped out of my thoughts and put on an annoyed face. After all, he knew I wasn't going to answer.

"Okay, it was your decision, but since you decide not to answer, you're being sold to Jabba the Hutt."

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