The Preparations

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Akira's POV

March had finally rolled around, bringing with it the promise of my birthday festivities just a week away.

I reveled in the anticipation, particularly since I had the entire day off, and, courtesy of some strategic planning (or shameless celebration plotting), the next day off as well.

But, of course, work didn't get the memo about my impending birthday. Cheol-Han, the bearer of news that felt more like a break-up note, entered with a stack of papers that could rival the height of Mount Everest.

"Boss, Chairman dropped this on my desk and said he needs you to conquer this paperwork mountain by the end of the day," Cheol-Han informed me, depositing another bundle onto my already overflowing desk.

Looking at the Everest of documents before me, I couldn't help but voice my concerns.

"Cheol-Han, are you organizing my birthday party or planning my funeral? Because this workload might just be the death of me."

Cheol-Han, ever the comrade in the struggle, mirrored my exhaustion. "If it comes to that, at least you won't be alone. I'll be right there with you," he deadpanned.

'Well, isn't that comforting?'

"Out. Now," I said, pointing towards the door. He gave me a mock salute and strutted away, leaving me alone to face the impending paperwork apocalypse.

'Ah, the joys of adulting.'

"Ugh!! I'll seriously die in this case!!" I groaned, my eyes feeling like they had been glued to the screen for an eternity. Home? What was that?

I hadn't seen the inside of my place for about two weeks now, and the only faces I'd encountered were those of Cheol-Han and Taesang, the constant companions in my chaotic life.

"I miss him..." I mumbled to myself, a sudden realization hitting me like a ton of legal briefs. Oh, right, I have a boyfriend named Jungkook.

He exists.

I have vague memories of someone who doesn't wear a suit, doesn't speak in legal jargon, and probably owns more than one pair of sneakers.

"Another four more months and I'll be free, free, freee..." I repeated, the prospect of liberation echoing in the empty room.

But the reality of my current predicament hit hard, and in a moment of frustration, I banged my head on the desk. "God!! I'll do anything for a change of scenery."

"Is it because we made it official that he's so angry about?" I pondered a hint of frustration coloring my thoughts.

"He's so childish"  It felt absurd that my father would resort to childish antics just because I decided to defy his wishes and commit to a man he disapproved of.

"Well, I've been doing it for 10 years, another four months won't kill me," I muttered, trying to convince myself that enduring this storm was just a temporary thing.

A mental pep talk to keep the spirits up while drowning in paperwork. As I soldiered on, the door swung open, and I sighed without tearing my eyes away from the sea of documents.

"I told you not to show me your face," I grumbled, assuming it was my secretary with yet another slaught of work. 

"Noona, you hurt me!" a voice exclaimed, jolting me out of my paperwork-induced haze.

I looked up in surprise, only to find Jungkook standing there by the door, looking like a vision of relief.

Badump went my heart, doing the Cha-Ching again at the unexpected sight of him.

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