My Stab Story

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Akira's POV

The next few days felt like an unspoken void between Jungkook and me. 

Despite our attempts at normalcy, there was tension lingering beneath the surface, a silent acknowledgment that something had changed.

Being the older and more experienced in handling such situations, I understood that Jungkook needed time to process the revelations.

One day, as I scrolled through my phone, a message from RM popped up. "Concert tonight. You in?" I hesitated for a moment before replying, "Sure, why not?"

IU, who happened to be nearby, caught wind of the conversation. "Concert? Count me in!" she declared, her excitement evident.

As we entered the concert hall that evening, the atmosphere was buzzing with anticipation. 

The vibrant energy of fans, the pulsating music, and the shared excitement of the upcoming performance created a charged ambiance.

On the way to the concert hall, the excitement in the air was abruptly shattered when someone dressed in all black attempted to stab IU.

 Reacting swiftly, I intervened, kicking the knife away and pinning the assailant to the ground.

"Send guards!" I urgently called into my Bluetooth, the panic among fans escalating. The chaos spread like wildfire, and the atmosphere turned frantic.

"Argh!" Before the standby guards could reach me, another attacker emerged, stabbing me.
"Noona!!" IU exclaimed in horror.

"Calm down--COUGH" I tried to assured her I was fine, even as I felt a surprised cough escape, tasting the metallic tang of blood. 

Normal stabs shouldn't make you cough up blood. Panic set in, and I urgently relayed, "Hurry!" through the Bluetooth.

I kicked the other dude in the balls as he came to stab me again.

Men-in-black, stationed for my security, swiftly took control of the situation. I staggered towards the waiting car, blood staining my clothes. 

"ell the boys that I said, 'Finish the concert, no matter what,' " I instructed IU, determination in my eyes. She nodded, her own eyes reflecting concern and determination. "Be careful."

I got into the car, the pain intensifying. As the vehicle sped away, the night that had begun with anticipation now hung heavy with uncertainty and danger. 

The road blurred as I fought to stay conscious, the urgency of the situation urging me to get help as quickly as possible.

Normal POV

In the dressing room, as BTS prepared for their performance, the news of Akira getting stabbed by the entrance sent shockwaves through the group. 

Panic and concern etched their faces as the reality of the situation sunk in.

Jungkook, his expression darkening, was adamant on stopping the concert. "We can't just perform like nothing happened! I need to see her," he asserted, his voice tight with worry.

Yoongi, attempting to keep a level head, approached Jungkook. "She'll be fine. Her guards are with her, they'll take care of everything. We can't let the fans down, they're expecting a show."

Jimin added, "Jungkook-ah, we're all worried about Akira, but we have a responsibility to our fans. Let's finish the concert, and then we can go see her."

"No but---- She coughed blood," Jungkook exasperated.

Jin, the calming eldest in the group, spoke up, "Jungkook, you're not thinking rationally, she'll get more hate if we end the concert now."

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