Chapter 10

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Akuma surprised everyone by doing a fair job of mimicking Prince Sasuke's personality upon their return to the engagement party. 'It's simple to figure out who knows the royal family's secret just by looking at these ugly peoples' faces.'

The fear surrounding many of the guests satisfied the demon. He'd missed being respected like this, having been locked up in that damn manor all these years. It pained his pride to have to act civilized, but he'd rather have this little taste of freedom than be shackled to the wall each night like before.

"Akuma, will you excuse me for a moment? I'd like to step out onto the balcony to rest," Sakura politely asked.

The demon's eyes roamed over her attractive appearance. He'd taken advantage of the situation and had forced her to hold his hand all night. 'She's the only passable woman in this entire palace. None of these other whores compare.' He inwardly became angry with his own thoughts because there was no need to find her beautiful. Her standing out like a diamond amidst all these dull gems shouldn't matter at all.

"Lead the way," he said.

She released his hand, flexing her fingers as she turned to walk toward the massive open doors that led to the balcony. Only a couple of people were out there. Most of the party remained indoors, though the area was easily visible.

"Curse, may I have a word?"

Akuma's gaze left Sakura. He turned to glare at the king of the land, a sneer begging to meet his lips, "What is it? Be quick."

Madara chuckled as though he'd said a great joke, "Your disposition is as prickly as I remember."

"You're irritating me. I said to make this conversation quick, so make your point while you have the chance."

"Yes," the king's grin became less friendly, and he lowered his voice so those around them wouldn't overhear, "I don't suppose you'd tell me what your intentions are concerning my nephew and that girl?"

The bluntness fully pulled Akuma's attention from the pink-haired woman enjoying the moonlight outside. He eyed the ruler with disgust, "Having knowledge of my plans won't grant you the ability to prevent them."

"Then why not share them?"

"I don't answer to you. I have no master."

Madara's cheerful aura fell almost completely. His dark eyes narrowed, "Come, now, Demon. I may be lenient, but to blatantly lie to my face is insulting."

'...What is he trying to say?' His red-eyed glare hardened, but he said nothing, 'Does he have information that others do not?'

"You've two masters, yes? The demon lord, Satan, and the wizard Orochimaru." Akuma's eyes widened in surprise because that was a name he hadn't heard in a decade. The king seemed smug, "Or would it just be one now since Orochimaru was beheaded? I'm unsure of how permanent death is for you underworldly beings."

Seeing as that snake-like wizard had given Akuma a chance to live a human life, something he'd longed for, the demon would be grateful, but that wasn't the case. No, he'd been made a fool of just as strongly as the cowardly prince's parents. It'd been his understanding that he'd have full control of the body that'd host his soul. Obviously, that was not the case.

An earsplitting scream filled the air.

The demon's blood ran cold, 'Where is she?!'

He turned to see the room in chaos. Panicking men and women were running about as a handful of masked men dressed in black entered via the balcony with drawn swords. Ignoring the king, who'd begun summoning guards to fight the intruders, Akuma rushed into the fray, searching for just a glimpse of pink hair.

'She must be dead already because she was the nearest to where they arrived, but I must see it with my own eyes so I can use that rage to fuel the massacre I'll embark on once I own this body.'

He took down three men who attacked him on his way to the open area, careful not to kill them so as to not break the deal he made with the prince, only to freeze when the only proof that Sakura had even been there was a few drops of blood on the railing. Seething, seeing red, and ready to murder, the demon dipped his fingers into the substance before sniffing it. A growl shook his chest. 'It's hers, but she's not here.' There wasn't enough to judge the severity of whatever wound she'd suffered.

Sasuke shot upright the moment he gained consciousness, bursting out of the bedroom. It felt like his heart would pump right out of his chest. 'She's gone. They took her. If only I'd been able to stay with her. I wouldn't have let her wander alone like that!'

He hurried downstairs and into the ballroom, where butlers and maids were still cleaning up the broken dishes and blood from last night's battle. All he could see as he looked around with wide eyes was the charming blush on the pink-haired woman's face as she tried to console him during the change. No one had ever looked at him like that, much less put his comfort and well-being before theirs.

'And I repaid that kindness by allowing her to be kidnapped, maybe even killed.'

"Brother, come quick! A letter has arrived from someone claiming to have Lady Haruno!"

Itachi led a silent and focused Sasuke to the king's personal office, where Madara sat at his desk with a letter in front of him and a frown. The second prince became confused because something felt off about his uncle's demeanor. He couldn't say or do anything about that before the man in question began speaking, "According to this letter, Lady Sakura is injured. If we don't meet their demands within the day, she'll likely die."

Ice ran down Sasuke's spine at this news, 'What? Is she seriously hurt? There wasn't much blood, though!' "Is there a possibility this is a bluff to create a sense of urgency?" He managed to ask.

The king and first prince shared a look that he automatically recognized. He swallowed hard and reeled in his emotions, 'If they think that I'm attached to her, they might let her die to see if it'll get rid of the curse.' He had to feign indifference if Sakura stood a chance of being rescued.

"They're demanding a small fortune be delivered by the second prince alone," Madara explained with his gaze locked strongly on his nephew, "They're threatening to kill her if their instructions aren't followed to the exact."

"I'm sorry, Brother, but it's simply not possible," Itachi said with a sad expression.

Sasuke immediately argued, "So we should let this innocent woman die? I'm confident The Curse won't be destroyed at this point."

"Unfortunately, the life of an Uchiha is worth much more than the average lady's, Nephew. There is nothing we can do but pray that she doesn't suffer."

"What does it say of our family if we live with such an inflated mindset?" Sasuke was livid. Somehow, he didn't completely lose his composure and tried to make a logical argument, "If the royal family isn't ready to lay down their lives for their subjects, why would the kingdom's people have faith in them? I was under the impression the Uchiha family considered honor more important than riches and status."

"This is one woman, Sasuke," Itachi said, "As much as I hate to say it, the risk is much too high. It's almost definite that you'll both be killed upon your arrival regardless of if the demands are perfectly met."

"I refuse to-" "Silence," Madara cut off both of his nephews. They looked at him expectantly. He searched Sasuke's face for a silent moment before asking, "Are you certain this is what you want to do?"

The second prince recalled all the selfless gestures Sakura had offered since their first meeting. 'She's been willing to sacrifice everything to help a man she barely knows. If anyone deserves rescuing, it's her.' He nodded with a firm glare, daring his uncle to deny his request, 'This won't make up for all the suffering she's done or will continue to experience, but it's at least a start.'

Shorter chapter this time! The next one will be longer, so please be patient. Thanks for reading! :D

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