Chapter 7

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For the first time in her life, Sakura actually felt as though she was useful and wanted. She had a purpose, and that was to rescue Prince Uchiha from his curse.

'It'd be easier if that curse wasn't so human-like,' she thought to herself while walking by Akuma's side through the halls of the manor. It was the middle of the night, but he didn't care if she'd normally be sleeping at this time. She didn't dare say something, either.

"You're still quiet, Mouse. When will you loosen your tongue? I've become bored."

Sakura's gaze fell to the ground as they continued their leisurely stroll, "I'm sorry. Is there something you wish to speak about, Akuma?"

The demon remained quiet momentarily before he suddenly pressed the Haruno woman to the wall, leering down at her with glowing red eyes, "Tell me, Sacrifice. If you could have anything you desire, what would it be?"

Her limbs trembled fearfully as she pressed her palms to his chest. She didn't dare try shoving him away because it'd only anger him further. "D-Desire? I am happy with what I have now."

"You must be joking. You have nothing but temporary riches and a weak fiance who pretends to care for you because it's in his best interest. How can you be happy?"

"Akuma..." She breathed, sucking in a gasp when one of his hands wrapped loosely around her throat so his thumb could lift her chin. In a moment of desperation to calm his irritation, she answered honestly, "Truthfully, I never imagined having clothing or a bedroom like these. I never thought I'd be treated so wonderfully by others. All my life, that's all I've yearned for, so I don't know what else I could possibly want."

That same odd expression that'd been showing up lately crossed the demon's features. He searched her face with a frown before whispering in a tone reminiscent of one Prince Uchiha often used, "If I show you pleasures beyond your wildest dreams, would you develop a will to live?"

'What did he just say?' Sakura was only confused for a second before realizing that his goal was to ruin the prince's plans of being rid of him.

She changed the subject, "What will happen to you?"

"Have you grown to care for a demon?" The woman couldn't respond because she was too lost in his red eyes. Akuma quietly said, "I'll return to purgatory, where fate claims I belong."


"That is what I said."

Even someone with little world knowledge or experience, like Sakura, could tell that Akuma was not keen on the idea. Cautiously, her fingers loosely clutched his shirt, her green eyes searching his handsome face, "Is being only allowed to live at night truly your preferred existence?"

"It is not."

"Then why-" "If this body becomes weakened and vulnerable when the full moon is high, I may be able to fully eradicate the cowardly prince and have it for my own."

'What?! Prince Uchiha never mentioned that!'

Before Sakura could verbally respond, Akuma continued, "Back on the topic of desires. You've pledged to do as I request, have you not?"

She nodded, averting her eyes nervously, "O-Of course, in exchange for you not bringing harm to anyone else."

'I don't think I'll like where this is going....'

One moment, Akuma was staring deep into her eyes, making it hard for the woman to breathe because she was so anxious and unsure of what the uncontrollable demon might do. Then, he was carrying her princess-style down the hallways until they reached the baths. Sakura's face warmed immediately when she was placed on her feet once more, and Akuma began unbuttoning his shirt. 'What is he doing?! I've never seen a man naked before.'

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