Chapter 30

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Sakura didn't want to wake up. In fact, she refused. Mentally, she was aware she was asleep, but did everything she could not to move a muscle or think too hard. If she did, her temporary bliss would be ruined. The princess was dreaming of her husband. She was imagining with all her might that she was warm and comfortable. The delusion was strong enough that she could feel Sasuke's arms around her and smell his comforting scent.

'I've missed this more than anything. Please, let me cherish it for just a while longer....'

She never thought being separated from another person would physically hurt, but it did. Each minute spent apart from the prince felt torturous. It was like he was the perfect dose of pain medication to manage a chronic ailment. Without him, it was hard to exist.

Recalling how the last month or so had felt in Sasuke's absence, the woman couldn't help but melt into the dream. She buried her face in his shirt, clutching its fabric with trembling hands while tears fell heavily down her face. Even if it was only an illusion, a wonderful dream, Sakura felt safer than she had in a long time.

The lump in her throat grew to unbearable levels when the prince's chest moved slower as he took in a deep breath while waking. His arms tightened around her before one of them traveled up to tangle in her hair and hold her closer. She nuzzled in, internally pleading for the affection to never end. It was just as she suspected all those days spent with nothing to do while being held captive. The prince made everything okay with just a simple embrace. It was as though all her problems melted away. All was right within his arms.

"Sakura...." The man's sweet, raspy voice whispered into her hair. Her tears fell more heavily as she broke into sobs. The good feelings were going away as she began coming to terms with the fact that this wasn't real. Anytime, she'd be waking up on the cold barn floor, hungry and terrified.

"I'm sorry," Sasuke whispered, soothing her hair with slow movements, "I'm so sorry. I'll never leave you alone like that again."


The princess slowly opened her eyes. Her breath hitched when she was able to see for the first time in weeks. It was dark, but she could make out the tear stains on her husband's white shirt. She couldn't contain her disbelief and struggled to breathe, pushing away so she could properly see.

Sasuke sat up as well, his dark eyes watery as he searched her face. Sakura wiped fervently at her wet cheeks before cupping his face with shaking hands. There was a dark bruise tarnishing his jaw on the right side, and his left bicep and hand were bandaged, but this was the prince. This was her husband in real life, not a dream. At the moment, it was too much for her. She couldn't control herself and fumbled to hug him tightly, clinging to him like her life depended on it.

'It's really him. He really came for me.'

It took a long time for the woman to calm down enough to release the man and lay back down. When she did, he followed suit while staring as though afraid she'd disappear if he looked away for even a moment. By the glint in his eye, Sakura could tell Sasuke had many things he'd like to say, but words simply weren't coming. She opened her mouth to attempt speaking for the first time in weeks, only to freeze when she realized it wasn't Akuma before her.

It was definitely nighttime, so how...?

"The demon.... He broke his promise in order to protect you," Sasuke quietly informed his wife.

Her mouth closed in surprise, 'He tried to kill on my behalf? Does that mean Akuma is gone? ...I didn't get to say goodbye....' A strong sense of sadness washed over Sakura.

Sasuke seemed able to read her mind because he assured her quickly, "He is still here. I now have control over when he's able to arise."

A moment of silence passed before he spoke again, changing the subject now that they both had better control over their emotions, "Are you alright?" There was a softness to his voice that hinted he was afraid to hear the answer.

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