Chapter 21

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AN: The chapter art is how I picture Sakura's wedding dress!!

For the first time, Sakura didn't shy away when Akuma pulled her into his arms. Instead, she accepted the embrace because it was the first time she was entirely sure his intentions were pure. The reason he held her so close under the covers was because he yearned for comfort. Without speaking, he seemed to have finally realized he was doomed to be returned to Purgatory while she would soon be dead. A strange sense of comradery overshadowed Sakura's usual bashfulness as she soothingly rubbed his back, under the odd, fleshy wings.

'Sometime in the near future, both of us will cease to exist in this realm. The three of us will be separated until the end of time.'

Sakura was sad. It was bittersweet to admit she wished the prince had been successful in finding an alternative method of removing Akuma.

She'd experienced terrible things since becoming his fiancee, yes, but she'd also experienced kindness and comfort beyond her wildest dreams. It was as though the woman was a child before meeting Sasuke Uchiha. Now, her eyes were open to reality, no matter how brutal. And she preferred this life to the poor excuse for one she'd led back home with the Harunos, pain, trauma, and all.

Inwardly, the woman was in the process of comprehending her impending doom. Before, she agreed to be a sacrifice because she had no will to live. Now, her reasons had changed. No longer would she die for her family's sake. Sakura would die as a show of loyalty and devotion to her fiance, to the man for whom she'd developed unwavering affection.

A tiny sound left her chest when Akuma suddenly pulled away. His red eyes weren't nearly as fiery as usual. He looked over her, hands coming to hold her waist. When he spoke, his voice was almost the same as Sasuke's since he'd given up trying to appear all-powerful, "That Haruno pig will be dead before us. I swear this to you."

The Haruno woman shook her head. She didn't want to think about Hihara now or ever again.

"If possible, I'll lay him at your feet, my flower."

Sakura's face warmed at his new, surprisingly sweet nickname for her, "I don't want that...."

He sighed, eyes drifting to her midsection, where his thumbs were gently brushing against her ribcage, "You may be able to heal from these scars, but I won't allow that rodent to escape with his life. You're much too passive."

"Akuma," she breathed, frowning when he met her gaze again, "Let's spend our remaining days enjoying life rather than focusing on the negative."

'He's spent his entire time on Earth scheming and planning, worrying if he'll be a prisoner stuck in Sasuke's body for eternity. Since I'm the one sending him to a place he obviously wishes to avoid, the least I can do is try to make the best of his last days.'

"What frivolities can I possibly enjoy while the moon is high when all the festivities will occur under the sun?"

"We can spend time together," she murmured, searching his face.

Akuma's mouth closed, as did his eyes before he took a calming breath and nodded once. His voice was less tense, "If it'll please you...."

So, the duo stayed up late. They talked about all kinds of things, mostly what-if scenarios pertaining to the alternate reality where they'd both survive this tragic situation.

By the time Sakura fell asleep, she felt as though she'd finally gotten a glimpse of the demon's true personality, and it wasn't nearly as murderous and scary as one would expect. Akuma wanted to understand humans. He wanted to experience love and happiness because all he'd known until now was pain and loss. The demon wanted the only thing he couldn't have, and Sakura's heart ached for him.

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