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"Hey, Melody?" a voice called out as Melody turned her head around and came face to face with her elder sister, Adriana. "Yes, sister? What is it?" She asked in responce, putting down the ivory comb and rising from her vanity table's chair.

Melody's viridians met Adriana's deep emerald ones as there was a clear difference in the two sisters. "Mother and father are looking for you." said Adriana as Melody sighed softly with a small smile. Ever since Melody freed her mothers and father from the mirror that inprisoned them for 13 years, they have been looking for chances to spend time with their youngest daughter out of the three daughters they had.

"Alright.. I'll go to them. they are in the ballroom, correct?"

The question earned her a nod from her elder sister. She kissed Adriana's cheek as she crossed the threshold of her room and closed the door behind her, finding herself in the hallway. She lifted up the right side of her rose petal-colored gown with silver trim's skirt, revealing a pair of rose-colored flats with rubies and a single red larkspur on the front of the shoe. She began to walk down the hallway, greeting a few servants as she walked by them here and there.

many admired her, but she never gave them that time of day since she was a happily taken girl and she refused to indulge in an affair with anyone since she would rather have her veins cut before she even dared to think of such a thing. The sound of her skirt swishing side to side could be heard as she continued to walk. She had reached a intricate door with three people dancing as she reached out to the door's handle and turned it, revealing a large room that was silver and gold. it was the ballroom as she entered the room and closed the door behind her.

"Maman? Papa? are you both in here?" She called out, grabbing the back of her gown as she walked around, her head moving from side to side in search of her parents. a giggle caught her ears as she turned to look behind her. She was confused until she moved her head and came face-to-face with Esmeralda and the Phantom as she smiled. "Hello, Petite ange." said Esmeralda as she embraced her daughter. Melody returned the hug.

"Sister said you both were looking for me? what is it?"

"Oh! That.. well.. we were hoping you could help us get things ready for your coronation."

Ah. My coronation ball... Ever since i freed my parents, things have been so hectic with me hiding my relationship with Keith and Tenebris, finding my sisters, and getting used to being a princess.

She thought about everything that had transpired over the course of many months as she did not regret freeing her parents. "Of course. hand me some ideas and I'll see what to choose." the Phantom gave her a sketchbook containing designs as she opened it, flipping through pages, looking through the drawings. It was true about what Iris had said when she mentioned that he was an incredible artist like he was all those years ago before she and her sisters were born!

One of the sketches looked to be the style of Baroque mixed with florals.

another was the style of the Rococo era with accents of Baroque and Cottagecore.

and the third one was Angelcore with Devilcore, Baroque, florals and Rococo.

"Papa, all of these are so good! Mama wasn't kidding when she said that you were a talented artist back then!" Melody cried out as her father blushed slightly underneath his mask from the praise he got from his youngest daughter.

"I am serious, these are so good!" she added as she looked up at him. She then pointed to the first drawing as she said that, choosing the theme of her coronation ball. Melody then handed the sketchbook back to him as she left the ballroom, closing the door behind her as she sighed. a sound caught her attention as she went to a window and spotted her boyfriend. "Keith! what are you doing here?" she called out, her eyes bright and filled with love.

"I was wondering if you would be intrested in going for a walk, Mel!" she smiled and nodded, holding her finger up in a 'wait a moment' gesture as she closed the window and went to her room.

A few minutes later, Melody was dressed in a ebony-hued sweater dress, silver ankle boot heels, and a pair of gold earrings with heart-shaped emeralds, pearls and diamonds. She then exited the room after she applied a light cherry blossom-hued lipstick and chose a purse that matched her dress.

she looked at the pair of pocketknives she had on her nightstand and selected one.

the pocketknife she had chosen was white-gold with a single sapphire in a filligree center as she put it inside her purse. She told her parents she was going out as she left the castle, meeting up with her boyfriends. "Hey, Keith.. Tenebris.. I missed you both so much."

"We missed you too, petal.."

she linked hands with Keith, walking out of Horrorland and back to her street where she used to live with her aunt and uncle before she found out she was a princess. "So..What's been happening while i was gone?" She asked him, her Viridian eyes sparkling like two rare jewels as they met his blue ones.

"Well.. Your aunt and uncle understand you went to be with your parents since they found out that you went to find and free them. Your friends.. well.. they are worried about where you went because you 'mysteriously disappeared' without leaving a note behind." Melody giggled, her laughter bright and thrilling. That was then she decided.

"Hey.. darling..?"


"I was wondering if you would like to meet my parents sometime."

"Of course! you know i want to meet them!"

She smiled brightly before adding: "Well.. there is this Coronation ball for me since i found my parents and my sisters.. we are still getting things ready for me to become princess. you can make your appearance then, ok?"

"Alright, my love."

They did a short and sweet kiss after that answer as she hoped her parents would like him when he arrived at her coronation.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13 ⏰

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