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"Melody!" Keith announced, his eyes bright and eager to see his and Tenebris's beloved girlfriend in her dressing room. He knocked on the door as a gentle 'come in!' was heard, reaching towards the handle and opening the door as he closed the door.

He spotted the girl getting herself ready for her performance that night at her vanity, applying red lipstick to her pretty petal pink lips. Blue eyeshadow adorned her viridian eyes. Her hair was in waves with a white pearl headband. She put the lid on her lipstick and set it down. Melody was distracted by something..

She was wore a baby pink princess dress with puffy sleeves decorated with white lace. There were cream pearls on the bodice, and a single light blue sapphire on the chest of her dress. On her feet were hot pink and gold flats as around her neck was a pearl necklace with her usual locket and matching earrings.

"Hey Keith.."

"Hi, Mel! Are you alright?"

"I'm ok, just nervous about tonight's performance."

"You'll do great! You always do~"

She smiled before getting him out of her dressing room so he could get to his reserved seat she insisted he have. She was alone in her dressing room, looking at the reflection of herself. Ever since she woke up in her bedroom of her aunt and uncle's manor, she was thinking whether or not it was all a dream about her true parentage..

She shook her head, getting rid of those thoughts before they made her forget her lines for her performance that night. This was no time to be thinking! All she had to do was sing, spend time with Keith, and head home where she would dream about her real parents. She stood up from her dressing table and left her dressing room to backstage to wait for her name to be called.

"Everyone please welcome.. MELODY DE CHAGNY!" The announcer called out as Melody stepped onto the stage, her shoes clicking on the wooden boards. She smiled sweetly at the crowd and began singing her song she practiced in 2. She let the music wash over her as her locket began glowing once more. As she kept singing, the stage lights began darkening and Melody stopped singing towards the end, out of the corner of her eye, she saw the same spirits that haunted the theater of her school.

She dropped the microphone in shock as Roselle began to cry upon seeing the spirit of her dead sister, Iris. Melody was silent, frozen in shock as the phantom smiled at her. "Hello, our sweet daughter." Melody could feel her body tremble like a leaf upon hearing those words. She wanted to run to him and hug him like she did in her dream..

Esmeralda was holding a candle as she stepped towards her daughter, caressing her right cheek with her left hand. Melody could feel the warmth of the spirit's hand on her cheek. "Mama.." she whispered out, gently grasping onto her wrist and hand. Then, she heard her father's voice singing. (A/n: start music.)

"Our story is a sad one..

Tragic, one might say..

It begins long ago, when we, like you was in a performance..

The performance was to be on this very stage..

Iris and Esmeralda were to lead a first-rate cast.

It should have been the best night of our lives!

...instead, it would be the last.

For a fire broke out and in the flames, they stepped too far and I plunged down a deep and narrow hole~"

The phantom walked closer to his daughter, holding her close and making sure she stepped away from the flames of the candle. He placed his hands on her shoulders.

"I became a real phantom, but never want to make this place seem haunted..

Just a chance to perform our starring roles~

And now, we've done what we been waiting for..

Yet we're torn once more..

For we didn't expect to find someone who makes us feel the way you do..

All at once, we're old and yet so brand new.. dead but so alive~ and it's all because of... You. Melody.."

He smiled softly with the look of a father at her.. his little baby girl was back and she would find and free them..

" 'cause you're sweet and warm and kind.. and when you smile, even a really ghostly wind seems not so chilly..

So many lonely years it took until we reunited, and yet meeting you, our Melody was worth the terrible price we had to pay!

And though we wish that we could stay, we fear we really must be going.. we've found our peace, at last, just knowing...

We've finally played the parts that we were born to play, said the lines we've waited years to say.

And until you and us may meet again, some distant day.. thank you for giving us an ending to our tragic story..~"

All three spirits began to cry, holding their crying daughter in their arms. "Goodbye, Melody..." whispered Iris as she kissed her daughter's forehead with a few tears streaming down her face. Their spirits slowly moved away from their girl as she was sobbing her little heart out.

"Dad, mom, mama.. please don't leave me again...!" She begged the spirits of her real parents as Esmeralda smiled. "You know where to find us, honey.. we love you so much." She said, before the women disappeared into the light and the man into the shadows as Melody fell to her knees which were covered by her dress.

She was crying as Keith and Tenebris held her close as she was shaking like a leaf in the fall. Roselle was crying too, finally seeing her sister for the last time.. she hadn't seen her since the night that ended up in flames..

It was now certain that Melody truly was the long lost princess of goosebumps as her locket stopped glowing.. she missed her real parents so much and got to see them for the first and last time..

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