Chapter 5- Taming of a Spirtual Dragon

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"Let's begin the practice round.
each of my disciples will be given a stack of boulders on their backs, hard rocks on their legs, and sand bags on their hands.
You all will be running 200 miles while you are to be given food for your practice round.
Zhao. you will have minimal boulders on every part of your body as you are running for 350 miles per hour. each of us will be given chicken and rice during this round. all of us will be climbing 5 mountains at the duration of the training while Zhao gets to climb 9 mountains in total. I wish you all good luck. try not to break something in your body or else.
you will have to meet my fist. you all can prep up for this round. you have 10 minutes. so go and be ready.💢
oh and zhao."

"Yes, sir!"
his eyes glanced at her posture up and down in a face of hilarious seriousness.
"Don't slack off.
You have been doing that throughout the first 2 days of training. I don't want to see you pig out on tender meat in the dining hall just because you can't handle broken bones. I'm not giving you 10 minutes like the rest of the disciples.
I'm giving you 5 total minutes to prep yourself up."

his eyes turned more serious as it shot through her face.

"DONT CUSS AT ME. you are lucky your bones aren't broken or else you won't be able to walk for the rest of your life. so much for being the Seven Dragons master.💢
Go eat, go shower, do whatever. just savor the time. this is serious. this is part of your future. and I want you to be mentally, psychologically, spiritually, and physically ready for your future. it's inevitable, so don't try to escape it. do you understand me?"

"....I understand, sir."

"Good. Now go."
she stepped right back up to her room. only
to see Hao putting on her foundation, humming a light chinese flute.
"What's wrong. did something happen..?"

"Nothing happened. I'm just... a bit stressed out. master had been teaching me day and night with no sense of peace whatsoever. My body hurts, my arms are sore, and I feel a bit nauseous. I'm surprised your mother is able to keep him clear in the palace due to his aggression. but... I took mental notes that this is my future, to be honest.."


"What is that supposed to mean.💢"
her hair brushed clasped down onto the table.
she looked at her bright red lips before looking at her with a degrading look.

"I can tell you're afraid of the outcome of your physical, mental, and psychological health due to the amount of training he put you throughout the last two days. don't be so crass, don't be so sad about it. your blood was mixed with the color of the bright sunset even though that's an abnormality for normal human blood. so be it.
you are the master.
you are the chosen one.
you can't just complain about your issues to me and then expect a hand to be held onto yours in this tremendous journey."

"...I know. I know.. I'm a teenager. I should be grown enough to handle hardships of my own. I'm starting to learn that I shouldn't be a nuisance to training and just engage in becoming stronger."

"Who said anything about hardships?"
Zhao stuffed her bag with all of her training items.
staring right at her in an irritated tone.

"I did."

"So? Did I stutter. I'm trying to say that growing up is part of the training. Breaking your bones as you scream in pain is part of the training, and being serious about getting stronger is part of the training, too.
and Loyalty. practice makes perfect, you know...?"

"I'm NOT trying to spend the remaining 0f my precious five minutes talking to you about my growth. can you please finish your makeup and let me have my peace. I need to prep up anyway..💢"

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