Chapter 18- Nearing the End

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-5 days later-

Juyeng walked and walked to the docks along with her forces, glancing at many of the battleships in preparation for the attack.

"What else we should do? miss Juyeng. Cult leader ozu haven't planned his own individual attack and plot against us as we investigate when some of your soldiers breached the halls of his cult to come up with a plan when he specifically knows that your plotting for his demise physically and mentally. To be fair.
I'll follow your command. no matter what, Miss Juyeng. Tell us what we need to do and we'll follow your word. promise."

"Isn't that what you're supposed to do? My forces are commanded by my name even if some suck up who devotes their entire life only to contribute to me. ozu's fate can not be escaped since it's all in the name of the serpent lord cult that had been written and determined by the very hands and intelligence of our subordinates for the honor of our own cult. This had been plotted as soon as he was born.
as his mother died from giving birth to him as someone had to hold his fetus body.
And it was me all along.
have a surge of hatred for his future. driven by honor for our cult's predetermined future for such a baby with incredible potential to lead a cult to honor his own. do you think about why I'm doing this? do you think about why honor is just a bunch of bullshit for a hero who's never really a hero to be praised?
You should take that in for a second."

"....yes Juyeng."

she glanced to the officials of the serpent lord cult and the heavenly dragon cult near the supplies of each ship.

"What's the purpose of this entire battle today?"

"Honor. and the end of the conflict between the cults due to the war, so we had to arrange it today.
It's held in the Serpent Scroll Sea under the dark stormy sky, which is a perfect chance for bloodshed and chaos to be directly in the middle of the ocean. Isn't it irritating and despairful to have such honor for your master to destory an entire cult for it to go into further harmony. This is simply harmony and honor in our cult out of a decimation and regicide. even when being consumed by hate for someone made to give their whole life for the cult."

"Far enough, my lady. Do you need any preparations for the battleship?"

she went silent for a moment and stared back at her disciple with a smile.
her beauty having her disciple blush.

"Do you believe that my demise is unpredictable? illusion of the mind can soon be at every single part of the ordinary if they can't handle the truth, that's a reference to the legendary cult leader ozu of the heavenly dragon cult my dear.~ surely you think of him as a overly lucky inheritor to the cult's reign and display of power.
his parents, of course, had plotted his reign as soon as he was born as no other goals in his life have been given to him. That's his only choice. my preparation is to set up an ambush onto the battleship when my defeat soon comes after his shortly. the timing of the ambush is to wear him out and injure his body as much as the forces can strike and attack during the war between me and him.~"

"Your DEMISE? But Miss Juyeng. Your purpose as the head chief in terms of intelligence, strategic thinking, and analytical prowess of the mind is to bring honor to your own individual cult by doing whatever it takes to bring it to its former glory even if it means committing a war crime for it.. you won't die, failing to bring honor to a narcissistic cult leader!-"

her blush evident on her face as Juyeng stared at her in impression and trickery.

"This isnt the first time my crimes hadn't been taken accountable for since the serpent lord cult relies on my intelligence and my analytical thinking in nearly everything I do, from shipment/food processes, elder council meetings held by my hand and production value by my hand including the cult leader. They are nothing by a bunch of abandoned animals fighting for survival without me.
same as you.
my hand can command you all to do my very bidding. my body will remain in the ground as I lay lifeless."

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