38. A visitor

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Author pov.

Being freshen up y/n comes downstairs only to feel a delicious smell. When she reaches towards the kitchen, man who is busy in making something comes to her sight.

Y/n : jungkook, what are you doing?

Jk : umm cooking?

Y/n : but you don't have to do it. Let me help you.

She said walking towards him. But grabbing her shoulders jungkook makes her sit on a chair.

Jk : no, you can rest and I'm almost done

Y/n :Ok, then

After almost five minutes jungkook keeps two plates that contain pancakes on it. Sliding the plate towards y/n, he sits across her.

'I'm sorry baby. Please forgive me'

Y/n is surprised with the words written on pancakes.

Y/n : jungkook, what is this?

Jk : actually I'm sorry babe. I could have stop it when you - - -

He said holding her both hands but cut off by her.

Y/n : no, it's not your fault. It's just......... it was my first time and I was mad when I couldn't even stand up, you know

Jk : hmm. That makes sense. So you forgave me?

Y/n : yes ofcourse. Why not?

Jk : then let's do another round

He said with a visible smirk on his lips, y/n to withdraw her hands in his hold.

Y/n : you pervert

Jk : Just kidding. Now taste the JJK pancakes.

Smiling at him, y/n takes a bite from the pancake. But after chewing a little her face comes to a blank one.

Jk : what happened? Itsn't it good?

Y/n : no! It's delicious. My god. I never thought you are an excellent cook.

Jk : never mind. It is the only thing I can cook though


The main door of the mansion opened slowly. There peeks a head which scan the house with a pair of popped eyeballs. But he falls forward when someone pushed him from the outside.

Jimin : what the hell lisa?

Lisa : why are you peeking at our own house?

Jimin motions her to be silent and he seems to hear something consiously.

Rm : what happened?

Y/n : oh you are here

She said still on the couch. Jungkook is also beside her as bath of them were watching a movie. When y/n's voice reaches their ears all of them snap their heads towards them.

Jimin : shouldn't be they in their bedroom enjoying?

He wisphered in tae's ear who is standing next to him.

Tae : I also just thought about it

He said holding his chin showing a thinking face. Jin who is passing by them smack tae's head motioning to stop the nonsense

Tae : ouch

Jimin : did anything happened between you?

He shamelesly asked from the couple who is looking at them with confused faces. Anyhow that question makes y/n to choke in the air and turn her whole face into red colour.

Jk : actually - - -

Y/n : nothing. We were j-just watching tv all the day

She cutted him off hitting with her elbow for him to goan.

Jin : princess don't mind them

Rm : yeah, we are going to our rooms. Enjoy!

He said giving a dimple smile to the couple. Followed by Rm everyone go towards the stairs to reach their respective rooms.

Hobi : I'm 200% sure they have done it.

Jimin : ya I'm agree

Lisa : guys. Let them be. They are already a couple though

Jin : yes. We should not involve in their things.


Jk : why did you hit me?

Y/n : are you going to tell 'yes, we had sex'?

Jk : Is my girl shy?

Y/n : You are such an idiot jungkook

Jk : I don't care if I'm still yours and you are still mine.

He said keeping his head on her lap. No matter what he knows how to bring a smile on her face, how to cherish his girl and how to make beautiful memories with her.

Y/n pov.

It is already evening. But I feel hungry all of a sudden. Jungkook has buried himself in his laptop checking some emails he received from the company. I couldn't see any of them when I made my way into the kitchen. On this moment I want a hot ramen. But when I opened the refrigerator I couldn't find any packet of ramen.

So grabbing my purse and wearing my shoes I step out of the mansion to buy a packet of ramen from a grocery shop nearby. I know jungkook would be mad if he knew I went to a shop without him. Cause he has forbid me to go alone after that accident.

After grabbing a packet if ramen, I made my way towards the cashier to pay. When I reached there a familiar figure caught my eyes.

Y/n : Hey! Eunwoo

I screamed making him to immediately look at me with confused face. But instantly his face lighted up seeing me.

Eunwoo : Hi, y/n. Nice to meet you again in the super market

Y/n : Haha same here

I said flashing a smile to him, who returned me the same.

Even though enwoo asked me to pay for me, I politely rejected his offer. After our little argument, he won and now both of us are walking side by side.

Y/n : Eunwoo, are you free now?

Eunwoo : ya. Why?

Y/n : Wanna go on a visit to our house?

Eunwoo : is it ok? I mean - - -

Y/n : Ofcourse. It is ok

I said dragging him along to our mansion. Soon both of us are at the entrance.

Eunwoo : are you sure this is your house y/n?

Y/n : Hey Don't you know I am a chairwoman. Do you think I am poor?

Eunwoo : aish. Not that - - - -

Y/n : Let's go

Saying that I again dragged him inside our mansion by his wrist.

To be continued..........

Sorry for the late. I will try my best to update soon cause I want to finish this ff and give my whole attention to my other one.

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Love you all 😘😘😘

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