2. Gentleman

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Jungkook pov

I was panic. What if she dead. I quickly checked whether she is breathing or not. Thank god she is breathing. I quickly called a cab as I didn't came with my car and I took her to my mansion.


Jungkook : hello. Jihoon

Jihoon : what's up bro. Are you ok?

Jungkook : ya. But there is a patient for you. Please come to my mansion.

Jihoon : ahh ok.....

Jungkook : ah jihoon. Please bring a nurse with you.

Jihoon : why? And at this time how I find a nurse huh. I'm not at hospital now.

Jungkook : ahhhh....then bring your wife. I can't change her clothes.

Jihoon : ohhhh a girl........

Jungkook : don't waste time. Come. Just now.

He hung up the call

At the Jeon mansion
Author pov

Jungkook was waiting outside his room as his friend Dr

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Jungkook was waiting outside his room as his friend Dr. Jihoon was checking y/n.

Jihoon : actually kookie your girlfriend's body is so weak due to the lack of blood. The wound is also still fleshy so you have to take care about it.

Jungkook carefully listen to it and later he remembered the word girlfriend.

Jungkook : first of all jihoon she is not my girlfriend.

Jihoon : what? Then why you are this much caring? Huh?

Jungkook : I'm not. You are exactly know who I am. So don't talk nonsense. And I saved her when a gang of people were torturing her. That's it.

Jihoon : ohh jungkook calm down

Jihoon's wife : babe I changed her.

Jihoon : ok let's go.

Jihoon's wife : bye jungkook

Jungkook : bye and thank you for coming in this time.

Jihoon : just a small thing bro. Bye.

They left from Jeon mansion.

At jungkook room

He quickly took a shower as he was covered with sweat a moment ago. He covered y/n with a blanket and went towards the couch to sleep.

In the morning
Y/n pov

I slowly opened my eyes as the sunlight was hitting me. I noticed that I was in an unfamiliar room

 I noticed that I was in an unfamiliar room

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Y/n : where am I? Oh my god. Am I kidnapped???

?? : no. you are not

I flinched with the sudden raspy voice and saw that handsome guy coming from the bathroon holding a towel in his hand. Seem that he took a shower early in the morning. Water was dripping from his hairs

Oh. My. God. He is super fucking hot. Ahhhhhhh

Y/n : ohh you scared me

I said while holding my chest
But he chuckled

Ohh his smile. He looks like a bunny when he is smiling. What am I thinking y/n

Jungkook : go freshen up yourself.

I nodded. When I getting up from the bed I noticed something. Am I wearing a hoodie???? WTF. Is he?

Y/n : hey

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Y/n : hey

Jungkook : why? That is the bathroom.

Y/n : don't tell me that you changed my clothes.

Jungkook : me? What? Not ofcourse. They were changed by my friend's wife as there were no nurses that time. Don't get me wrong. And I didn't sleep in the bed also.

Y/n : I'm so sorry (looking down)

Jungkook : hey don't cry again.

Y/n : what happened? How am I ended up on your bed?

Jungkook : don't you remember it?

I nodded as 'no'

Jungkook : you fainted on my shoulders while hugging me. I don't know your address. So I had to bring you here. And my friend Dr. Jihoon bandaged you.

I didn't know what to say

Y/n : thank you for saving me and
sorry for disturbing you.

Jungkook : It's ok. You know that I don't have any girl clothes. So choose a suitable clothes from my closet and come downstairs.

I nodded and he left the room.

I slowly went towards his closet.
He is definitely a rich man and also a gentleman (smile)
I took a sweetpant and an oversized t-shirt.

Then I went towards the bathroom

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Then I went towards the bathroom.
Oh. Such a big bathroom. I never seen before.
I did my job but it was hard with my injured arm.

To be continued....................
How will they treat her?

Hi my dear army readers. So sorry for the short chapter. I promise the next chapter will be a long one 😁 .

Thank you for reading, voting and commenting. Love you...... 😘😘😘

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