40. Afraid to lose

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Y/n pov.

Suddenly my eyes got opened. But I greeted with the darkness. I don't know where am I. When I sat on the dusty floor, I realized that I am in an abounded room. The spider webs, dusty walls and darkness are the only things that came into my view. Standing on my feet I make my way out of the room. With slow steps I stand in a corridor which lead into two ways.

As I prefer right side, I walk towards that direction. But I don't know how the hell I am being here. When I am going to keep my next step, gun shots can be hear out of blue. Neither I flinch nor jump, instead I turn around to look behind me. Cause according to my senses I think I heard that sound behind me.

There is a person kneeling on the ground. I think he has been shot. Yes, It is a male. At this moment I am rooted on my spot thinking whether I should help him or not. He is weaponless and he needs help. Another footsteps can hear from a far. I could only see his shadow with a gun in his hand. He is slowly reaching towards that weak man.

I should help him. So I quickly run towards him. Firstly I couldn't see his face but when his face turned upwards to look at me, my heart dropped to my stomach.

Y/n : jungkook?

I immediately kneeled to embrace him with a hug. He is bleeding and my hands wetted with his crimson blood.

Y/n : W-what h-happened?

I asked while tears rolling down my cheeks unlimitedly.

Jk : y-y/n r-run

He could utter that words even he is very weak at the moment. And the murder comes towards us. When his steps coming closer and closer to us, I hug jungkook protectively in my embrace.

Jk : y-y/n r-run

He again wisphered in my ear as his face is buried in my neck. I shake my head as I can't utter any word because of the lump in my throat

?? : red light!

Someone shouted from a far. Maybe it is a warning as the murder quickly ran from here. I am not in a state of mind to note his face. My love is dying in my arms.

Y/n : Jungkook, you can't leave me like that

I said holding his cheeks. His breath is abnormal, his eyes are half closed, his white high neck t shirt is soaked with his own blood and the blood is dripping from the corner of his lips which I used to kiss. He is miserable.

Jk : I love you Mrs. Jeon.

He said before closing his eyes FOREVER. The hand which held mine until now, collapse on to the ground.

Y/n : Jungkook. No, speak with me. Please look at me. You can hear me right? Stop with this act. I can't. I can't live without you. Why aren't you moving? Why can't I feel your accelerated heartbeat?

I screamed like a craziest hugging him close to my chest. But he doesn't respond me. How could he? How could he leave me alone?

Y/n : noooooo!

I screamed my lungs out. Opening my eyes jungkook's room comes into my view. I am panting hard and my forehead is sweating.

It is a dream

I thought sitting on the bed. When my hand reaches beside me I felt empty.

Y/n : Where is jungkook?

Thinking about him, I remembered the nightmare. My moisten eyes travel here and there searching for his tall frame. But I couldn't find him. My heart is beating faster due to the fear

Instantly I jump off from the bed. Without even bothering to put on my slippers, without combing my nest like hair and without changing my night pijamas, I run to where my legs lead to. Climbing down the stairs I see jungkook turned towards me with a smile.

Jk : I was going to call you for the breakfast.

He said coming towards me. But my eyes filled with tears making my vision blurry. I see the worry and confusion in his eyes. But I can't do anything rather than hugging him tightly. Jumping on him, I gave him a bone cracking hug. I wanna feel him alive. With extreme worry he hugs me back wrapping his arms around me. I can feel how my tears wetting my cheeks. But I don't wanna wipe them.

Author pov.

Seeing y/n's state jungkook is worried as hell. He doesn't know why she is hugging him tightly and he is sure something has happened.

Jk : what happened baby?

He asked rubbing her head hoping for an answer. But he received nothing. Looking up he spotted how others staring at them. Their eyes also filled with worry as jungkook's.

Y/n : I can't live without you. Please don't leave me alone.

She wisphered in her broken voice.

Jk : I never leave you babe. You are my life. How would I live without you

He said still rubbing her back. Seeing this Jin motioned jungkook to bring her to the bedroom. Obeying him, jungkook carries her to his room.

Jk : sleep hmm. I won't go

He said laying her on the matress while he places himself on the edge of the bed.

Y/n : No, I don't wanna sleep again

Jk : what happened love? You never acted like this before

He said holding her cheek. Sitting up on the bed y/n kneels towards him. Putting his knees beside his waist she snuggles her head in his neck, making his smile a little.

Y/n : I'm afraid

Jk : why my brave queen be afraid?

Y/n : To lose you

Jk : baby, I'm the mafia king. I know how to protect myself and also you. Now I understood that you have a nightmare, don't you?

Still inside his neck she nodded her head making him to chuckle slightly.

Jk : It was just a nightmare, love. Trust me, nothing will happen. Now go and freshen up. I'll be waiting for you to get the breakfast together.

Listening to him, y/n gets down from his lap to go inside the bathroom.

To be continued..........

Next chapter will be fun. So stay ready!

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Love you all 😘😘😘

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