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RED HOOD | BATFAMILY (assorted canon)



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"Hey, Hood, may I have a word with you?"

Hood - Jason. Jesus. - on his way toward the exit stalls and looks at you with what you can only assume is a grimace. He looks incredibly out of place for someone whose presence naturally takes up so much space.

It was getting that much easier to superimpose the showman he was on the field to the studious little smartass who used to ask you to "peer review" his essays for fun, but that connection was still something you needed to remind yourself of.

You wait, settling on your heels with your hands clasped in front of you. He doesn't know it's you under the mask and you almost fought him an hour ago, of course he's reluctant.

Jason is just watching, body coiled like he's weighing whether it'd be best to just cut and run, when Dick slides up and nudges him.

"I didn't agree to this," the younger instantly objects. "Just the med bay and Alfred not...Nightfall."

He says your name like he's cussing you out just by uttering it. It's nasty and you can't not smile. That sounds like your boy alright.

"I dunno," Dick nods over at you with a coy little smile on his face. "If you give it a shot you'll see just how much you two have in common. Just once and you can always leave if you really hate it."

At his continual refusal to budge Dick delays for a few beats then that grin that always precluded a checkmate back in the day takes over his face.  

"How bout I call in that favor early, then? You just...try to talk to her now - for me - and you'll walk out of this cave with nothing to owe."

His weedling finally pays off because Jason's shoulders rise and drop dramatically as he sighs.

"Fine." He levels the LEDs of the helmet in your direction, voice getting deeper. Getting flat. "But you better not try anything."

"Of course," you nod.

Jason eyes you for a few beats before giving a terse nod of his own then skulking off towards where you indicated deeper in the cave - because you did not need everybody in your business.

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