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Roman Vasquez's POV

I was still fuming with anger now that I had finally tracked down my willful wife in New York City. Her eyes still have defiant in their depth like the time when she burst into my office and demanded work from me. The past two days of sheer hell I'd suffered because of her had finally caught me up.

When I arrived from work I was prepared for a grueling apology that I would say to her. But when I arrived at the house I shared with her, she was nowhere to be found, time had passed, and still no sign of her. While I was wandering back in Spain if she had been kidnapped—or worse she had been in a tragic accident and no one told me. I didn't realize that she just went home with her rich family.

I nearly went out of my mind with worry that she'd been missing for the past twenty-four hours when I finally convinced myself to hire a private investigator to know what happened to my wife. I nearly snarled the man when he asked me if there was still a chance that my wife had left me.

Impossible! I thought furiously. Why would she leave me without such a valid reason? I was halfway tempted to throw a punch to the private investigator's face.

After chasing off the private investigator to my house. I went to the room where Red had been staying to check for her things. All of her clothes were still in order...except, the garments she owned. Even her traveling bag was missing.

That was the only time I welcomed the thought that my wife, indeed, left me. One more day had passed before the PI had traced the location of my wayward wife.

New York City, he said.

On my flight to New York, I decided on several ways to bully my wife back to Spain. I would not be left alone, damn it. I would use the legal binding we have so I could persuade her to come back to Spain with me either by force or her willingness.

When I arrived at the pricey Manhattan penthouse where Red had been staying since she arrived in New York. I only had a thin fiber of patience left in me. Has she already found a rich lover after two days of leaving me? If so, I would beat the crap out of that bastard who dared to touch my wife. No one steals what's mine.

But upon arriving at the penthouse a refined version of my Red opened the door and I frowned slightly when the deep-bone desire I had felt the moment I laid my eyes on her had been noticeably missing. Same face, same eyes but her hair was a shade darker. This isn't my wife, I thought silently.

My suspicion was confirmed when the woman who bore a striking resemblance to my wife said to the silent penthouse. "Ah...sis," She said in her all-American voice. "You might want to come here first. There's a slight problem."

Then there she was coming from the kitchen, the woman who runs my blood into yearning just the sight of her. I looked at the woman who just opened the door and the woman I married two weeks ago in Spain.

Of course, I thought with distaste. Twins.

"Uh, Em... w-would you give us a moment please?" Red said to her twin sister, she doesn't expect me to show up on their doorstep two days after her runaway act.

"You sure?" The twin asked worriedly, looking at me with I don't trust you in her emerald eyes. Not that I gave a damn about what she thought about me. I was not in the mood for pleasantries at the moment.

"Yes." My wife tried to reassure her with a brave smile on her face. I admired the protectiveness of Red's twin sister but we need this conversation just between the two of us. We didn't need a third party while conducting this talk with my wife.

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