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Ruby St. Clair's POV

On my first morning living with Roman, I was waiting for him to come out of his room in the living room. I feel lighthearted while sitting casually on the couch, probably because last night while twisting and turning in my bed in the guest room unable to sleep. I finally thought of a solution to my current problems.

I heard his bedroom door. I sat straight in the place and waited for him. I saw him ready to leave for the office. "Good morning, Roman."

He stopped dead in his place and stared at me for a moment. I suddenly wanted to laugh because of his expression. He wasn't expecting my greeting. "Is this the end of the world, Red? Because if I heard you right you greeted me with a cheerful 'good morning'."

"That's correct." I nodded with a smile. "Are you running late? Do you have a moment to chat with me, darling?"

His beautiful eyes narrowed like slits. "Now I'm nervous." He slowly sat on the couch across from me with wary eyes. "So what's going on, wife? I believe last night you still hated the fact that I commanded you to live with me until the remaining months of our bargain. What's with the change of heart?"

I smiled sweetly in his direction. "Nothing. It's just I've been thinking last night and I thought of a solution to our dilemma. Here take a look." I placed a neat bond paper on the coffee table that separates us. As I said, I would not let anybody rile me whenever they want. It's time for me to have an upper hand in this crazy mess.

He stared at me for a moment before picking up the paper in front of him. Roman's eyes widened when he read the title. "House Rules." He stared at me in disbelief. "Seriously, Red?"

"I find the perfect solution, don't you think?" I asked brightly, crossing my arms in the middle of my chest. "To prevent ourselves from killing each other in two months living together we might as well create house rules so we cannot invade each other's privacy. This way we can live harmoniously under the same roof."

"You thought this matter seriously last night, aren't you?" A reluctant smile fitted his lips. He stared at the paper in his hand. "Rule #1: Ruby is always right." He frowned in my direction. "What kind of rule is that?"

I smirked at him. "An accurate one. Now read everything if you don't have any protest please sign at the bottom of the page."

He looked back at the document in his hand and amused himself by reading the rest of the articles. "Rule #2: Roman is forbidden to enter Ruby's room unless it's a life and death situation." He scowled in my direction. "Seriously, Red? What about my rights as your husband?"

I raised an eyebrow at his scowling face. "You don't have any rights in my body, darling. So stick to rule number two."

He made a face. I suddenly wanted to laugh but I held back myself. I need to look stern here or he would not take this seriously. "At least once a day, wife."


He sighed and continued to read. "Rule #3: There should not be a hired housekeeper in this house to avoid unwanted rumors that might reach Ruby's family. Rule #4: Since there is no housekeeper Roman and Ruby should equally divide household chores." He raised an eyebrow. "You've got to be kidding me, Red. What's with this nonsense?"

"I told you, they are the new house rules of this house," I answered smoothly. I felt like such elation seeing his annoyance. "Read the rest."

"You're the one who doesn't want to hire a maid now you are spouting nonsense about sharing household chores. Do you think that I know such a thing? I hope you are not serious about these house rules."

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