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Ruby St. Clair's POV

In the end, Granddad and I met halfway. He wanted a grand wedding for all New York society could see—I didn't. He wanted a lavish party after the ceremony—I didn't, but I also gave in after Roman convinced me to agree to the celebration Daniel wanted to throw for us. He said he would also pay for everything since he didn't have the chance to see me get to tie the knot in the first place.

Roman didn't like the idea that my grandfather would pay for everything for our 'late wedding reception' he claimed to be proud and stubborn like my grandfather that he was, but he didn't stand a chance with Daniel's legendary persistence.

So now we were enjoying our lavish wedding reception on the lawn of Granddad's Hamptons estate. Daniel spared nothing in this party, I thought silently. The cream of the crop of the New York society was here. Even our distant relatives were also present at the event.

My mother-in-law was also here. She was more than happy to meet my family, especially my sisters. She was oblivious to the drama that had happened between me and Roman after our visit with her months before. She just thought that we went to New York to inform my family about our sudden wedding and it didn't involve run away bride and an almost divorce.

Roman and I decided that it would be best if we kept her in the dark and let her assume that our love story was straight from a fairytale.

"Your grandfather knows how to throw a party, Red," Roman murmured beside me watching the festivity inside the marquee.

I snorted, sipping my vintage champagne. "You mean, he doesn't waste the opportunity to show off his wealth in front of such a crowd? I'm surprised he didn't invite the media for the coverage. I will not be surprised if any moment celebrity magazines will start to call and offer a big sum of money for the exclusive pictures of this wedding reception."

"Will you up for that?" He asked me softly.

"No way!" I frowned at him, "That's the last thing I want being plastered on those glossy magazines' front covers. Leave that work to Emerald." I made a face when I remembered those covers where my twin was on the front page. "Bad enough that we're mirror images I feel uneasy when I see her face on those publications I feel that my face was plastered everywhere."

Roman smiled devilishly in my direction. "And here I thought you once a model for St. Clair Diamonds to help your twin sister."

I stopped midway from sipping my champagne. I stared at him in disbelief. "Where did you hear that?"

He gave me a meaningful smirk. "I saw it with my very own eyes, my love. It was hanging in Amethyst's office I knew instantly that it wasn't Emerald but my lovely wife. Same face, same eyes, nose, cheekbones even the hair color but I know the difference between my wife and her twin."

I scowled when I remembered that photoshoot. "I see that my sister didn't keep their promise about that photograph. I will have a word with them later."

"Red." My husband said with a private smile on his face. "Now that you mentioned it I plan to ask Amethyst to give me that portrait of you in her office as a wedding present. I like to hang it in our home."

"No!" I said flatly. "You will not hang that photo anywhere."

"But you are very beautiful in that photograph, love." Roman reasoned out. "Besides, I don't like the idea of other men coming to your sister's office appreciating your beauty even if they thought that it was Emerald."

"Your flattery will get you nowhere, Mister," I informed him casually, but deep inside was happy that he could see the difference between me and Emerald.

"I beg to differ, I think it will lead me to a good session in bed after this party." My husband whispered seductively in my ears.

I bit my bottom lip. I tried to look stern in his direction even if I was shivering in excitement inside. I was about to give him a smart comeback when Emerald interrupted us. "Why are you guys hiding here it's your wedding party for heaven's sake! Get your lazy asses in here. Everyone is asking about the bride and the groom."

Roman chuckled, extending his hands in my direction as he stood from his chair. "It seems it's time to entertain our wedding guests, Red. We need to stop hiding."

I reluctantly took the offered hand and followed Emerald outside the white marquee and mingled with this crowd. From the corner of my eyes, I noticed that my grandfather and my sister, Sapphire went inside the mansion.

Sapphire St. Clair's POV

I was in the middle of my younger sister's wedding reception talking to the manager of St. Clair Diamonds flagship branch when Granddad interrupted us. "Can I have a word with you in private, lass?"

The manager excused himself and left me alone with the owner of the company. "What do you want to talk about, gran?"

He pretended to look around before gesturing to the manor. "Let's go inside and talk in my study room."

I rolled my eyes but followed him. What does he want to talk about in the middle of Ruby's wedding party? Didn't he host this whole thing? I asked myself silently, as I ascended the grand staircase.

Once we arrived in his study room on the second floor. I closed the door firmly behind me and sat on the opposite chair of his table. "What is it, Granddad?"

He sat at the study table and studied me for a moment. "I have been thinking lately of opening a new branch of St. Clair Diamond overseas and I want you to supervise the operation since you are the only one interested in managing our company."

My eyes widened at the happy news just what I wanted from the start. Finally, I can prove to him that I could run St. Clair Diamonds after his retirement. "I love to do that. Where do you plan to put the first St. Clair Diamonds abroad?"

"Athens, Greece."

I could feel the blood drain on my face at my grandfather's announcement. "Of all the places around the world why Greece, gran?"

A frown mark on Daniel's forehead. "Is there something wrong with Greece, lassie?"

Yes. It was on the tip of my tongue to point out to him. It was the last place on earth that I swear never stepped foot again since...I chided myself for remembering the past. I swore never to let those old emotions resurface again.

"If you're having second thoughts about it I will just ask a senior manager in the company to oversee the new branch." My grandfather concluded after he noticed my reluctance. Why does it need to be in Greece?

"No, I will do it," I said almost immediately. Daniel knew how much I needed to prove myself to the board of directors that I could run the St. Clair Diamonds after his retirement and that I was more than just the granddaughter of the owner.

The triumph in my grandfather's face was palpable. Maybe he wanted me to manage that branch he had faith in me. I would never let him down even if that place holds so many memories I'd rather not remember eternally.

"That's what I thought you would say, Sapphire."

I took a deep breath, I can do this. I told myself silently. I could probably work in Greece for an infinite time without being under his radar. Yeah, who am I kidding? Perhaps the moment I landed my feet on his home turf he would know instantly. Since the locals almost treat him like a god. Almost. "When do you plan for me to leave?"

"As soon as it can be arranged, dear girl," Daniel replied brightly. "I want you to be there before the opening."

I nodded having mixed feelings about this. "All right, I will just finish everything here and distribute my work properly to my trusted staff before flying to Greece."

"Thank you, Sapphire. You are the only one who is fit for the job." He said with a gleeful smile in his eyes. He stood from his chair. "Come let's join your sisters outside for Ruby's wedding celebration."

I silently followed him outside the manor and joined the progressing garden party he hosted. Suddenly, I felt nervous about my trip to Greece. I just hope that I won't cross paths with him during my lengthy stay in the place I thought I would permanently call my new home.

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