The Black Assassin

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So what are we doing tonight? We are going to get the mark, the mark? Yes, what is it? A mark on our arm showing we are in this clan. But if someone catches us they will know who we are. So what! It's cool! Ok then, what's it going to look like? Well....what's out group name? uh...uh...I don't know, how about.....The Assassin League?'re not an assassin, well...true, but it still sounds cool. What about....The Sleek Assassins? That sounds kind of cool, ya it does. It's Sleek falls and assassins combined, I know that. Well....maybe we could name out group.....The Outlaw Assassins? what about The Black Assassin and Wildcat. Who's Wildcat? You are! I am? Yes, but I am not a wild cat, no look, Wildcat, William=Wil-d, you're a cat=cat- see? Oh! Cool! So what does the symbol looks like? I have an idea! What? My mark will be a Black Assassin and yours will be a paw mark. Cool! When do we get it? Now, let's go to the Blacksmith, here's a costume. William catches the cape and hood, and puts it on. The Black Assassin and William sneak into the Blacksmith at night. They sneak upstairs to the blacksmiths room and puts their plan in action. The Black Assassin puts a knife to the Blacksmiths throat while William pushes his head down and shouts in his ear "This is your Wakeup call!" and he immediately wakes up and gasps. When The Black Assassin and William finally get the Blacksmith to do what they said, The Black Assassin asked, why did you say "This is your Wakeup call!" because when I was little my dad taught me to do that when it was time for him to wake up and stuff. Oh cool....hey blacksmith dude! Yes? Is it done yet! Almost, hey What is your names? I am The Black Assassin, and I am Wildcat. Hey Wildcat you sound like someone I know. no you sound like that William kid. Nope I have never heard or seen that kid Oh well I must be mistaken, I am getting old. Yes...that is it. It is now done, ok let's do this! Wait Assassin? Yes Wild? Will it hurt? Uh...yeah....a little bit. No it will hurt a lot! But I don't want it to hurt! Stop being a wimp! I'll go first ok? Ok. The Blacksmith puts the hot iron on her skin and puts the mark on her arm. Ow! William looks at The Black Assassin, ow! Ow! It DOES hurt! William said. No I was just..*wince*....kidding! oh ok then....I'll do it. William steps up and the Blacksmith puts the hot iron on his skin and...ouch! Hot! Hot! It burns! William runs outside and jumps into the fountain, ahhh, feels good. The Black Assassin looks at William then at the Blacksmith and says, he's a wimp. The Blacksmith looks at William and says, you are so right. So The Black Assassin drags William back to camp. William looks at his mark and winces, it still hurts! I know it does! Mine does to! William goes towards Ailema's house when..where are you going? To Ailema's house, why? So I can borrow a bandage. But...but...what if she finds out? I won't let her see it, I'll just ask for a bandage. Well..ok then. William goes to Ailema's house and knocks on her door. Hello? You home? Yes! Ailema opens the door and says yes? Can I have a bandage? Why? Oh nothing just a little burn, a burn! Let me see!'s fine really. Then why are you asking for a bandage? Because it hurts, how badly? Not bad, on a scale of one to ten how bad is the pain. William thinks for a bit and says eight. Eight! Yeah eight, ok let me see it! No! Why? Because....I just need a bandage and I'll be fine. A bandage won't do anything! Well...then....argh.....Ailema! What? Can you at least just give me the bandage first? Ok, Ailema gives him a roll of bandages. William turns to the side and wraps his arm, ouch! Darn it! That hurt! Come on in Will, only call me Will either when you are really mad or worried at or for me. Just come in William. William goes inside and sits in a chair. So did you get this burn. Uh..well..funny story actually.....I was at the Blacksmiths with a friend and....Williams voice just trails off. Will, William looks at Ailema and immediately thinks that was a bad idea. Ailema's face looked mad but also worried and also not believing what he said. I just want to help you, I don't need help! Ok! Maybe I don't want help! Maybe I wanted this burn! William stomps towards the door and opens it when Ailema suddenly breaks his heart to pieces. Well if you are going to be that way then I guess what I felt for you is and was not real! And I don't want to see you again! Ever! William just stares at Ailema shocked and heart broken. William feels a tear drop and immediately turns and runs away. Ailema stood there remembering William cry. She made him cry? Was she really that mean? Or did she hit his soft spot, he had feelings for her? Ailema stood there crying when finally she ran and called out, William! William come back! I'm sorry! I didn't mean it! But William had already went too far away to hear her. Ailema goes back to her house and plops on her bed and tries to go to sleep.

I am serious Kelly! Sure you are, stop being sarcastic and let's make a plan! I told you he would NEVER do that. Well he did! And I made him cry! You did not! I did! Ok but let me see for myself, I don't know....only you can go. Why can't we both go? Because he will hate me and..stuff. oh my gosh stop making excuses. I am not! Ok let's just stop fighting and make a plan. Ok I agree, let's get started. Ailema gets an empty book and quill and starts writing down ideas. Ok so let's review the plan, I go in the woods near his old house and pretends to be lost while you get ready to spring the trap, then we catch him and question him, exactly. let's do this. Ailema and Kelly and the trap and Ailema went far back and then came walking and looking around confused. Where am I? Uh..hello? Anybody there? William just so happened to be in those same exact woods, Ailema? William! What are you doing out here? Well I just went for a walk and got lost, oh well...I'll show you the way to your house, really? Uh..ya...but just this once. William stood right under the trap and Kelly sprung it, ahh! tricked me! Ya sorry, but why? Well we will question you, uh..why? We want to know why you are evil and stuff. Wow, really, you set up this plan just to ask me questions? Yup, ya pretty much. Ailema and Kelly tie William up to a tree and starts asking questions, why are you evil? The Black Assassin convinced me. How? She showed me you guys teasing on me yesterday and then I saw you guys laughing in the window..and...I accepted her request. We weren't making fun of you! We were laughing about a joke someone had told me, yea! I just feel stupid. Ailema, Kelly and William start laughing, oh hey William? Yea Ailema? Kelly said her dad had been made to give two assassins a mark. Oh he..uh...ok? ya he's ok, they didn't hurt them. Did they say their names? Ya uh....The Black Assassin and Wild cat. William, yea? Didn't you say a few nights ago that you and a friend was at the blacksmiths. Well...uh....yea, was it you and her! No, Will! The guy said he thought he saw and heard you! He said the guy wore a was somebody else and plus he is getting old. William Sir Hilden! William stood there shocked for a second before he responded, uh...yes? I know it was you! What? You are lying! William fidgeted in the chair, tell me William, who you were with and if you were there and I will let you go. Ok fine! I was with The Black Assassin and I was there. And the mark? On my arm, let me see! Ailema rolls up his sleeve and gasps, William this was the burn you were talking about! Yeah so what, so what! So what! Do you know what this is! Uh...a mark? The blacksmith used a certain poison! Why! To kill you guys! Is there a cure? Yes! Come on! The group rush to the Blacksmiths and knock on the door. The Blacksmith opens the door and says, yes? Do you have the cure to that poison you put in the bad guys? Yes right here...why? It is top secret and by order of the princess, give me it. Uh...ok I won't argue with that, here. The Blacksmith gives them the cure and they thank him and go into the woods. Ok now here, Ailema puts the cure on his mark. Hey Ailema? Yea William? Will it get rid of the mark? I don't know...let's just see.

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