The Mountain of Zama

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Ailema and William had already talked to the Wall born group and was heading up the Mountain of Zama to see Williams mother. William? Yes? So you have never seen your mother? No...have you? Well...I only remember a little bit of her, like what? Like I remember seeing her face singing to me the lullaby from the book and that's all. Well at least you remember something of your mother, I didn't even grow up with her for a day! Ya least your mom is still alive, sure your ok with this? I'm OK, ok then...wait! I see a house! William runs up faster so Ailema runs to but Ailema is faster than William so she beats him, oh come on! That wasn't fair! I gave you a head start!'re a Wall born! That has NOTHING to do with my speed! Does to! How? What's all the ruckus about children? Ailema and William look up at the woman and William walks up to her, we were just talking about a race, oh ok well hello, hello, let me introduce myself I am-William cuts her off and says, my mother, the lady obviously looked surprised, son? yes mom...I...heard stories about you and they weren't good so I wanted to see for myself, well I'm glad you did! You are? Of course! Oh what did your father name you? William Sir Hilden, ah yes...*smile* he named you the name I wanted your name to be, really? Yes, so um...who's your friend? I am Ailema caw born, well hello Ailema, hello, a lovely name by the way, thank you. Oh! Uh...come on in you kids are probably freezing, Ailema and an excited but confused William goes on inside the nice warm cozy house, nice house, yeah well...I fixed it up a bit, so mom? Yes? Why did you move to this mountain? Move! I didn't move! You didn't? No! I got banished! Banished! Yes! Why? Because your father banished me! always told me that the moment you saw me you hated me so you threw me into the wall and you went to move to the mountains, what! I would *cry* never do that to you! The moment I saw you I loved you so much...but...your father he...he...was seeing other people and....and I finally broke up with he banished me and said I could never see you again! William was mad...not mad..he was....he was...he was furious! What! Why would he do that to me! Or you! Ailema! Yes? I give you full permission to kill my father! Thank you, what! Uh...Ailema? Yes? You are going to kill him? Just because he told you to? No I'm killing him because he killed my father In front of my eyes when I was seven! Oh my gosh Ailema....I...I'm so sorry for your loss...what about your mother? She..she died when I was a baby, so you're an orphan? No I WAS an orphan, you got adopted? Yes, by who? The king of White mound, what! You're a princess! And you're going to kill someone! Do you have the kings permission? No...but I still told him I was going to kill him, and he didn't punish you? Nope, why? Because I'm a Wall born, what! could get you un banished! Really? Yeah I mean I saved William from being tortured and hanged, what! Uh..yeah...I was kind of an outlaw, what! But I'm not anymore, oh and my dad hates me, so does uncle, that is bad, yup but the king knows that Ailema likes me...Ailema punches Williams arm...ouch! As a friend so the king doesn't do anything bad to me, but when she is not around he is very mean...see this black eye? Yes? That's from the king, what! William! Why didn't you tell me! Because he said if I do then he will...*gulp*...he will kill me.

Ailema the Cat Warrior (In editing)Where stories live. Discover now