A Dragon?

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After Ailema explained everything Gremlin practically screamed out "you know what this means!" Everyone looked at Gremlin strangely "Ailema you have to go to the wall! Now!" "NOW? But...but...what about Muttly I mean he IS a year old but can he withstand what I'm going to have to go through?" Ailema stuttered, "I don't know Ailema but we'll have to find out." Gremlin said. Ailema stood there pondering at what she was going to have to do, finally she said "OK I'll do it, let's get ready.

Ailema got all of her stuff packed and was ready to go, William said that he wasn't going to let me go alone, even if he had to disobey the king. Ailema just let him come since she knew he was stubborn, Ailema called Muttly over and they all said they're goodbyes and she got her horse and went off on their adventure. They walked and rode further and further away from everyone until they were only a dot. Now they were gone, Ailema sighed and just went further along. Ailema felt sad leaving the only family she had left, well, except for William who was with her and the other Wall borns with her, they were like her but...different. William seemed to notice that Ailema was sad and hugged her, "hey once this is over we can go back and have a happy life, OK?" William said smiling. Ailema smiled and then frowned, she looked at Muttly who was falling behind, feeling tired. "Aw Muttly come here" Ailema called, Muttly ran with all his might to Ailema and collapsed, Ailema picked him up and carried him until they reached a spot and set up camp. When they got they're tents and stuff ready Muttly fell asleep in Ailema's tent and Ailema just smiled at him, hugged him and kissed him goodnight. Ailema pondered about that night when she met William and pointed out "hey William when I first met you and you heard I was running from the castle and guards you looked surprised and shouted "Your an outlaw!" But you were an outlaw so, why were you surprised?" William stared at her and thought about it then said "when I heard about you running and stuff I thought you were and outlaw and I was excited cause there isn't any outlaw cats except for me so I got excited and then sad when I heard you weren't." Ailema just stared and said "oh" then said "well team we need to get some rest, we have a big day tomorrow." Everyone agreed and went to they're tents and went to sleep.

Ailema woke up and just couldn't get sleep so she snuck out, climbed a tree and sung the song her mom used to sing.

       Hush little warrior,
       Asleep in your bed,
       You will grow up to be strooong,
       You were chosen,
       To open that wall, 
       Remember I love you,
       For I I I love you,
       For I I I love you!
       Good niiiggghhtt

Ailema heard a twig snap and whipped into action, she jumped down and tackled the intruder but it was huge. The intruder grabbed her with a...tail? and place her on the ground gently, She quickly took a torch and tried to light it but failed, "darn you torch! Light up!" Suddenly the torched lit up and Ailema jumped back, eyes widened and then she faced the torch towards the intruder and gasped, "who are you! And why are you here!" Ailema shouted looking right into the face of a dragon, "shh you don't want to awake the other do you Ailema?" The dragon said, "how do you know my name!" Ailema asked, " I have watched you since you were a baby Ailema, now follow me, I need to show you something." The dragon insisted, "why should I trust a dragon! I saw a dragon destroying a city! Many were injured" Ailema shouted, "just come on, I wont harm you!" the dragon said hearing them wake up "hurry!" Ailema tensed then jumped on the dragon and held on to his scales, The Dragon flew away just in time as they walked out looking around. Ailema looked at the view from above and smiled "this is amazing! Hey what's your name?" Ailema asked, "my name is Smaug" Smaug said, "well where are we going?" Ailema asked, "we are going to the temple of Zama on Mount Zama" Smaug said, "well why?" Smaug turned his neck towards Ailema and said "there is a old wizard who needs to talk to you there." Ailema looked at her torch and raised an eyebrow, Ailema started to try some experiments, "err...torch....light up....please" The torch lit up and she said "err.....a bit lower please" and the light dimmed "cool!" Ailema looked at the torch and saw it go out, "what happened?" Ailema asked, Smaug looked at her and smiled "sorry that was me, dragons soak in light. Could you put it back on? Really bright, it'll get us places faster." Ailema looked at the torch and said "really bright please" The torch shined really bright and it slowly went out, Smaug smiled and sighed.

When they arrived Smaug landed slowly and Smaug slowly put her down with his tail, "thank you kind sir....err....dragon" Ailema said with a playful curtsy, Smaug laughed and said "your welcome Princess Ailema" Ailema looked at him and frowned, "what is it Princess? Is it something I said?" Smaug said with a confused look on his face. "It's just.....I don't like being called princess" Ailema said with an awkward smile then her eyes popped, "hey Smaug? Are you a talking dragon?" Ailema asked, Smaug looked at her thinking then said "uh...no actually" Ailema grinned and said "yes! I can talk to dragons! Woo hoo!" Smaug looked at her weirdly then smiled "that's weird, your powers aren't that strong yet....ho...how is that possible?" Ailema just looked at him then said "I don't know, maybe it just increased, I mean I was NEVER able to make torches light up by just asking them, but it was SO COOL!" Smaug just laughed and told her to follow him."

"Where's Ailema? Ailema!" William shouted, "she probably just went on a walk cause she couldn't sleep" One of the Wall borns said, "yea your probably right but, I could've sworn I hear a dragon" William said, everyone just stared at him and said,

"probably just a dream"
"or a different animal"
"you would've heard her scream"
"or it was Ailema making that noise"
"she CAN speak any animals language"

William just sighed and said "your probably right, but I'm still gonna look. Wait did you guys hear Ailema before shout out "darn you torch! Light up!" Like she was annoyed or something?" William asked,

Everyone just stared and shook they're head except for one, "you there, you heard that to?" William pointed at a short elf named Jonathan. Jonathan started shaking and sweating "uh....duh....uh...no..I uh.....didn't see...anything" Jonathan stuttered, William eyed Jonathan suspiciously and gestured for him to follow. When they were out of hearing distance William said " Jonathan! Tell me what you saw and heard." Jonathan shook violently and said "I....I c....c...can't!" William looked at Jonathan sternly and said "Jonathan, tell me, now!" Jonathan shook so hard that his knees were wobbly, "a....d...dragon...c...came....a...and.....t...took....Ailema....a....a...away...and....he...t..told..me...not to....t...tell an.....anyone.....I.....I'm sorry!" Jonathan sat on the ground, curled his knees up to his chest, wrapped his arms around his legs, put his head in the middle and cried. "Hey it's OK Jonathan, we will get Ailema back and we will all be fine." William told Jonathan, Jonathan looked up shivering and said "w.....we....w...will?"
"Yes we will"
Jonathan slowly got up and walked to the campfire and sat down shaking, "what's up with him?" A guy said, "I don't know" Another said, "he's just a bit shaky that's all" William said, "so what did he say?" Someone said, "um...err...just that he uh....heard.....a...twig....snap?" William lied, "uh huh sureeee." Someone said sarcastically, "no...uh...seriously......right Jonathan?" William asked, Jonathan looked at everyone and shook again, "oh no he's having another one" Some one said, "another one?" William asked, "yea whenever Jonathan gets to scared or nervous he shakes and shivers and stutters" Somebody said "oh uh....he's probably....just...uh...scared...that....the twig....could've been...a....animal....yea...an animal" William said suspiciously. Everyone just stared then shrugged.

They walked in the temple and immediately was welcomed by a group of people, after that they led Ailema and Smaug into a giant room with an old guy with a white beard and hair. "Umm...hello sir" Ailema said, "Ailema this is Radagast, my Master." Smaug said proudly, "um...hi...Mr. Radagast....sir" Ailema said shyly. "Oh please call me Radagast! Welcome Ailema! I am so happy you came!" Radagast said happily, Ailema smiled thinking that he was a nice and happy guy. "Um...yes sir....Radagast, why am I here?" Ailema asked, "well you see I heard you are now going to the wall, and I thought you might need some help." Radagast said, "um...actually I'm with the other Wall borns." Ailema said, "oh umm..Ailema? You do know that there are no other Wall borns, right? You are the only one, well except for your father, those are fakes." Radagast said, "WHAT?!?! B...but Gremlin...he...he said...but.....how?" Ailema stuttered, "WAIT, DID YOU SAY GREMLIN?!?! Like in the evil wizard Gremlin?!?!" Radagast shouted, "evil wizard? He's not an evil wizard, he taught me how to use my powers." Ailema explained, "not all of them.
 Radagast said, "Well...um...he didn't know about other powers I might have?" Ailema hoped, "no Ailema, you must trust me." Radagast said, "alright" Ailema sighed, "Ok good now, this is what you have to do."

When everything was explained and over Radagast told Smaug that Ailema was his new master, "but Master Radagast! YOUR my master!" Smaug argued, "well Ailema is your master now. You served me well Smaug, farewell" Radagast smiled and Smaug sighed and walked over to Ailema and said "where to Master" Ailema smiled and said "back to camp!" Ailema and Smaug rode to camp and when they arrived everyone was screaming. They landed on the ground and Ailema jumped off, "everyone! He is a friend! Smaug stay right there please" Ailema commanded, Smaug obeyed and everyone was amazed. "He obeys you? He's your slave?" Everyone asked, "no he's not my slave! He's a good friend, I AM his master but he's not my slave" Ailema growled. Smaug smiled and rubbed against Ailema. When everyone calmed down they went to sleep.

Ailema the Cat Warrior (In editing)Where stories live. Discover now