The present

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William knocks on Ailema's door, come in! William walks on in with a box in his hand. What's that? Oh just a little present I got for you, really? Yea, open it. Well..ok, Ailema opens the box and....oh my gosh! William you didn't! A scruffy little mutt with brown hair and black paws jumped up and licked Ailema, awe he's so cute, oh William! Ailema gives William a hug, oh thank you so much! problem, Ailema lifts the little mutt out of the box and holds him. Does he have a name? No you got to name him, ok then how about....Scruffy? That's a pretty good name, about....*gasp* ooh I know! What Ailema? Muttly! Awe that is a cute name, ya it is. Ailema sets Muttly down on the floor because he was wriggling and squirming in her hands, ok little fellow go explore your new home. Muttly runs around the room only stopping to sniff stuff and bite something. Oh William isn't he so cute? He is the cutest pup I've ever seen, oh William go get Kelly. William gets Kelly and goes back, oh he's so adorable! William you are so kind, well...uh...I was just thinking of Ailema. I am surprised you guys aren't dating yet, Ailema and William look at each other and blush, but then...Muttly no! Ailema and William turn to see Muttly chewing up Ailema's bed sheet. Muttly no! Bad dog! Muttly turns to see William, Ailema and Kelly scolding him. Muttly's eyes grow big and his ears and tail goes down and Muttly looks at them looking sad and he whimpers sadly. Oh Muttly, I can't get mad at you. Ailema picks Muttly up and hugs him. Muttly gets all happy again and barks, Ailema puts him down and Muttly runs around again, but this time Muttly has his ears up and his tail wagging so fast. We need to get him a chew toy, they see Muttly chewing on one of Ailema's shoe. Oh no, Muttly! Ailema picks up Muttly and put him outside, that puppy is a crazy little runt. Ya he is, they hear a whine and then a yip, Muttly! They run outside to see Muttly's paw stuck in a trap, oh no! Everyone runs to Muttly and sets him free, are you ok Muttly? Yip! That means yes, they take him inside and wraps up his paw. Oh Muttly I'm so sorry, Muttly looks up at Ailema like he understands, oh uh guys? Yes? What? I need to go to Wall Mark, oh yea, right...I knew that...right? Maybe I should go when my dog is older, how much older? Uh..about a year old, well Muttly is a few months old. Well I have to go home, ya I have to go to, why? The king gave me a curfew, oh ok then.....bye, bye. Ailema picks Muttly up, goes to her room and goes to sleep.

Ailema the Cat Warrior (In editing)Where stories live. Discover now