Happy Hotel?

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Decades ago, a demon went to hell with his daughter. Back then, the demons had no idea how much power these two would wield. How much destruction they will cause, even with a simple snap.

It was an interesting pairing. After all, the father was probably sinner, but so was the daughter? No one knew for sure. The only sure thing was that they were powerful. Even too much.

But if these demons are so powerful, why don't they wreak more havoc? Why did they decide to support a seemingly doomed idea?

Maybe that was what was really impressive. The demons couldn't know what they were up to. They couldn't know anything about them.


Another horrible day in hell has begun. Everything was the same as always. Sometimes it was worse than other times. After all, this was hell. There could be nothing but horror here.

But as terrible a day as it was, a certain deer demon, Alastor, known as the dreaded Radio Demon, walked out the door of his home smiling. Although he was smiling, this smile was not yet the pleasant and soothing smile that one is usually used to.

His smile was terrifying. It almost meant superiority. As if he wanted to instill fear and show dominance over the other demons. That smile was exactly enough to make anyone who looked at him or thought about attacking him immediately back away. Of course, there were still idiots who tried.

He stood in front of his door with a big and terrifying smile. He looked like he was waiting for something or someone.

"Darling, it's time to go." he spoke in his crackling voice that reminded of a radio broadcast. Immediately after his statement, the door behind him opened and a shorter, but at the same time quite intimidating, demon stepped out.

It was interesting that compared to most demons, she was beautiful. Although this appearance can easily deceive you. If you are not careful, after a few moments you may even realize that you are trampled into the ground while writhing in pain.

This beauty was the daughter of the infamous Radio Demon, Y/N. Most demons tend to refer to her as The Charming Voice. This name comes from her voice. Her voice was very charming. Just like her beauty.

Many have fallen into the trap of this enchanting voice. And once they're trapped, there's no going back. Perhaps only in the event that she herself decides to pardon them. Has this ever happened? No. Will this ever happen? Probably not either.

She really looked like her father. She had long red hair with a hint of brown at the ends. Her clothes were mainly red. She was wearing a red short-sleeved shirt with lighter red stripes. Underneath the shirt was a brown long sleeve. There was a belt around her waist and a red skirt as well.

Looks like they really liked the color red. They were too similar. It was truly a father and daughter combo.

"Ah, my darling, you're finally done. How about we take a really nice walk down this unpleasant street." Alastor suggested as he continued to smile. Although that smile was slightly more pleasant now. Although the difference was small, he always smiled differently at his daughter. Not terrifyingly like the other demons.

"Wonderful idea!" she smiled at the suggestion. They both started and walked down the street smiling.

As they walked, the maddened screams and wails of a couple of demons could be heard. The sounds of explosions also filled their ears. This was perfectly normal in hell. An almost everyday sight for the eyes and ears.

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