Dads and dates

778 24 9

Warnings: none

The days passed slowly but surely in the hotel. Everyone was trying to get used to the new building and its new offerings. However, the big problem was still caused by the rivalry between Alastor and Lucifer.

Was there a rivalry at all? Or just plain contempt? Nobody knew exactly. The only thing that was certain was that they both tried to keep their daughter away from the other. If they did have to be in the same space, one of them was there to watch over his daughter.

There was no doubt that they were both extremely protective of their daughters. This in itself is a great thing, but in many situations it can be really disadvantageous and mood-breaking. Especially when the two girls were together and Lucifer was constantly admiring them. And since Lucifer was there, so was Alastor.

They were in a similar situation now. The young couple were talking to each other in the bar. Husk was usually behind the bar cleaning glasses.

Most of the hotel staff didn't understand why he always cleaned the glasses, after all they are usually clean and don't necessarily get very dirty. However, no one asked him. At this point, it may have been habit or simply addicted to the bar.

It was also certain that he listened to the two girls' conversation, but said nothing. In fact, he was mildly glad that they were there talking. This way he will only learn more about them.

However, their calm did not remain calm as Lucifer appeared before them almost as if by magic.

"Charlie!" he shouted happily, then rushed over to pull his daughter into a tight hug. Charlie struggled a little in his tight grip, but she hugged him back nonetheless.

"And Y/N, my amazing daughter-in-law!" he shouted again and this time pulled the roe demon into a tight hug. Y/N awkwardly returned the hug. Lucifer slowly pulled away, then stared at them with a big smile. "So girls, what are you talking about?" he asked curiously.

If they were honest, it wasn't so strange. After all, Lucifer has been trying a lot lately to be closer, especially to Charlie. He wanted to make up for the time spent away from her. He really wanted to be a good father.

"Um, well, me and Y/N were just talking about finally going on our first official date sometime." Charlie explained. Neither of them noticed that the king's eyes widened. His smile only got bigger, which at this point seemed impossible.

"Oh my, you finally went on a date? That's amazing! What did you have planned? If you don't have any ideas, I can suggest some. You know, your mom and I went on dates a lot." Lucifer explained perhaps a little too quickly. "I could give you some tips too Charlie." he said to his daughter this time as he gave her a suggestive eyebrow.

Charlie was immediately embarrassed and her face heated up in seconds. She appreciated that her father wanted to help her, but perhaps he was taking things too far. Besides, maybe it wouldn't be the best to ask him for advice after so many years of not being in a relationship.

"Thanks dad, but I think we should think about our own ideas for now." she began to say slowly. Lucifer just kept smiling. "Of course dear, it's understandable. But if you need an idea, you know where to look." he continued again with a teasing expression that only made Charlie blush more.

Y/N just watched the situation with amusement. She loved how easy it was to embarrass Charlie.

She let out a small giggle, which the princess immediately noticed. Still blushing, she gently slapped her arm to stop giggling.

Y/N almost started to giggle again, but she controlled herself and decided to be a good girlfriend and help her lover out of a slightly embarrassing situation.

"Thank you, Your Highness. I promise we will seek you out if we need advice." she finally told Lucifer, receiving a grateful look from Charlie in return.

"Oh please, no need for formality here. Just call me Lucifer! You're already part of the family after all!" he said happily. Now the roe demon was a little embarrassed. Lucifer was perhaps too happy about their relationship. Perhaps better than themselves.

Lucifer was about to speak again, but then a shadow passed him. He shuddered for a moment, then looked in the direction of the rustling. To his chagrin, Alastor appeared beside him. He really hoped that this time he wouldn't have to be around this awful creature.

"Oh, what a surprise! It looks like our great king is here again in person." he said in an annoyed voice. Lucifer just rolled his eyes at him in return, but at the same time he felt a little satisfaction that he had upset him.

Charlie and Y/N exchanged glances. Both of them already knew that it was only a matter of time before tempers would be unleashed. Neither of them were interested in this scene, so they stealthily walked away as the two demons started insulting each other.

The princess grabbed the other girl's hand and started pulling her towards the door. As they reached the door, they happily ran out.

Their pace gradually slowed as they got further and further away from the hotel.

"You know," Charlie started slowly, and Y/N immediately gave the princess her full attention. "Maybe we could go on our first date now. I know it's really unexpected and we didn't plan it, but I thought it would be a good time." she explained a little sheepishly. She was a little worried that maybe this wasn't the best time and Y/N wouldn't like it.

"I think it's a great idea." reassured the roe demon as she gave the blonde's hand a soothing squeeze. "We could go to that tea shop we ​​went to once. Do you remember it?"

Charlie, of course, remembered it clearly. If only because then she was really completely alone with the girl, and then she opened up to her for the first time. Besides, the tea was really delicious. Not to mention that the street was completely calm, which was rare in Hell.

"I remember." she replied, then started pulling her again. "What are we waiting for? Let's go!" she shouted happily as Y/N started to follow.

They were both excited about the date. They couldn't wait to drink that delicious tea again, but most of all they were looking forward to being with each other. And this time officially.



Hey everybody!

It's been over a month since the last update, huh? I had planned to update earlier, but my motivation was pretty low. Also, many school things were there. Fortunately, the end of the school year is almost here.

And two things:

1. There are no words for how much I despise the German language. This is a new form of suffering I swear.

2. May the Neobook leave me alone, please. Or everyone else, because my irritation is sky high from these messages.

We have reached the temporary end of the book. (Until season 2, of course!) Regardless, I'll probably write more extras if I have an idea, so don't worry.

By the way, I saw someone suggest an extra request, so I encourage you to feel free to make suggestions. Of course, take into account the events of the book. Because, if you have good ideas and they are related to the book, and I like them, I will gladly write them.

So yeah, that's it for now. Thank you for everything you gave me during the making of this book, as it was fantastic. I really hope that we can return here with greater frequency as soon as possible (season 2).

Of course, I will still be available here, so if you want anything, feel free to ask and write to me. I'm even open to a casual conversation. I promise I'll look and answer!

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