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Warnings: Swearing, mention of alcohol, mention of porn and sexual scenes

Another day started at the hotel. Today actually got off to a really interesting start as the staff were in the living room watching something on TV. More specifically, a porn movie by Angel Dust.

But why would almost all of the staff, except Alastor, willingly watch a porno? Neither of them would probably want to do that, especially not together. But there was actually a simple reason for that.

Charlie told the others that today would be a Show and Tell day. This meant that the person had to show something and talk about it. Unfortunately, Charlie forgot the small detail of mentioning a couple of exceptions. Pornography was one such exception.

And because Angel was Angel, of course he showed and talked about something sexual.

All the crew, except for Niffty who was lying on the table, sat on an armchair or couch while they watched the movie. In fact, even Husk was there, but he was just wiping glasses behind the bar. He probably wasn't really paying attention to the movie, but hearing it was enough for him, just like everyone else.

Sir Pentious looked at it in surprise, Niffty watched with interest and a smile as she swung her legs. Vaggie, Y/N, and Charlie were sitting on the couch watching in horror.

Charlie pulled her legs up to her chest and tried her best not to look away, not wanting Angel to think she wasn't interested in what he was showing. Vaggie watched the entire film with narrowed eyes and disgust. Y/N's eyes were also narrowed and she was also looking at it with disgust. She didn't like porn. She thought that was really low from people. Plus, watching it together only made it worse.

Unlike the others, with the exception of Niffty, Angel watched the movie contentedly. He leaned against the armrest of the sofa and settled comfortably. "Ya know, this performance won me a 'Sex-x-x-i' award!"

"It's, uh...very...honest?" Charlie began, but as soon as she looked back at the film, she immediately turned away and covered her face. "Ew!" Vaggie said this time, not at all impressed. Charlie turned back again for a moment, but turned away again. She was starting to feel like she was going to be sick. Although there were slights from porn, this was definitely not it.

Y/N's ears drooped slightly. She turned to Charlie, who was clearly affected by this. She saw that she was about to look at it again, so she put one hand in front of her face and stopped her. Charlie looked up at her in surprise, then gave her a slightly grateful smile. But when Angel's moans were heard again, she tried to hide her face better behind her hand.

Y/N looked at her with a small smile. She was really cute. It's really ironic that the princess of Hell got so sick of one. And of course from other small things.

Vaggie had enough now. "Okay! Enough of that. Angel, what the fuck?"

"What?! You said it was 'Show n' Tell' day. I'm showin' you my best film, and I'm tellin' you that it scored me a win over that bitch, Tiffany Titfucker." During his speech, he grabbed a ball of hair on his chest and tried to make fun of said other porn star.

"Ya know," Husk started from the bar as everyone turned to him. "not a very convincing interrogation scene." he said as he wiped another glass.

"Alright dickhead, what makes you think you have any right to insult my work to my fuckin' face?" Angel growled at him, and he just put the bottle down bored and looked at him. "You're really going to sit there and act like these scripts aren't hot garbage?" Meanwhile, he threw away the rag in his hand.

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