Helping hands

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Warnings: Swearing, mention of alcohol

Charlie's eyes widened as she stared at the two powerful demons. At that moment, she didn't even know what to think. But what she was sure of was that she was terrified. Also, she was at a loss.

What are the relatively new and most powerful demons of hell doing here outside the door of the hotel? What can they want from her?

She became more and more terrified as she looked at the deer demon's unsettlingly large smile and the roe demon's less terrifying but more dangerous gaze. Suddenly his closed eyes opened. Her concern grew even more as she looked at her for a moment. It was as if her eyes were redder than a few moments ago.

She saw the Radio Demon raise his hand and open his mouth to speak. "Hel-" Charlie immediately closed the door. She stared ahead for a moment and wondered. What is happening now? Still, she opened the door again. "-lo!" He finished the greeting. Then she closed the door again.

She stared ahead again as she called out her friend's name. "Hey Vaggie?" Said girl didn't seem too interested in her call. She was already quite tired and still trying to calm down from Angel's stupidity. "What?" she replied boredly.

"The Radio Demon and his daughter are at the door!" she announced with an awkward grin. She had no idea what to do or how to react. However, Vaggie immediately sat up. "What?!" Next to her, Angel was eating his popsicle. "Um...who?"

"What should I do?" Charlie continued to worry. "Uh, well, don't let them in!" cried Vaggie immediately. Charlie looked at the door in wonder. She had no idea if this was a good idea, but decided to open the door again.

She narrowed her eyes slightly and then walked to the door. She decided to try to act serious. That way, maybe it won't show how scared she really is. She opened the door again and a Radio Demon with a less creepy grin looked back at her. "May I speak now?"

"You may." she said coolly. However, his cool nature immediately turned to confusion as the demon extended his hand towards her. "Alastor! Pleasure to be meeting you sweetheart!" This time he grabbed her wrist and pulled her closer. "Quite a pleasure!" He let go of her wrist and immediately walked inside. He didn't bother.

Charlie froze a little at the sudden interaction. Before she could say anything, the other demon stood in front of her with a smile, then bowed slightly and grabbed her hand. Her touch was considerably softer and less clammy.

"Princess, I'm Y/N! Nice to meet you!" she introduced herself and pressed a soft kiss on her hand. Charlie froze even more at that. Many things confused her. So far, she had met few demons who would do at least a small gesture like this for her. It didn't help that she was actually too beautiful.

"May I come in, dear?" she asked politely and Charlie could only nod. "W-Well I guess it doesn't matter after your father." she muttered. A smile appeared on Y/N's face and she slowly walked in and immediately looked around the place.

The walls were mainly red and decorated with many pictures. The wallpaper on the wall was decorated with apple-like figures. It didn't take long for her to think that it had something to do with Lucifer. And obviously to Charlie as well.

Meanwhile, Alastor waited for the two to walk inside before he started talking again. "Excuse our sudden visit, but we saw your fiasco on a picture show, and we just couldn't resist. What a performance!"

Charlie was still watching him thoughtfully, then turned to his daughter, who was already looking at her to her surprise. Although her gaze seemed relatively soft, one could still feel the menacing aura. But what was perhaps more important was that her gaze was not only soft, but also somehow intense. So intense that it made Charlie a little embarrassed. That's why she quickly looked back at the other demon.

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