Scrambled Eggs

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Warnings: Swearing, mention of alcohol

Another day started at the hotel. Today was different because it was Sir Pentious' first week at the hotel and Charlie wanted to make it special. Although, apart from her, Vaggie, Razzle, and Dazzle, no one was really keen on it. They did not necessarily help in putting up the poster.

Y/N came down the stairs humming softly. She seemed in a really good mood today. Perhaps this was due to the fact that she slept exceptionally well. Although it was only from the outside. She and her father had to go to an overlord meeting today. It wasn't necessarily a big deal, but Alastor would now go to such a meeting again after seven years.

But that was not the reason for her frustration. She personally had no problem with the meetings. Carmilla Carmine was the leader of the meetings and she usually always kept them useful and orderly. The only problem was that a certain V would probably be there. This was the reason why she had gone to them with less enthusiasm lately.

Nevertheless, she decided that this would not ruin her mood. It wasn't like that before, and it won't be like that now. Although she knew she had to be prepared for the teasing to come, just like the last couple of meetings.

As she looked around the ground floor of the hotel, she saw the other demons. Husk was just bored drinking his alcohol as usual, Angel was leaning on the bar looking at his phone, Niffty was dusting while Sir Pentious, Charlie and Vaggie were talking. Next to them was a stack of boxes and a large gun that the tiny little eggs were playing with.

She watched in amusement as two Egg Bois tried to take a weapon from each other, but accidentally activated it, causing the projectile to hit the ceiling and create a hole.

"Ugh! What did I just say? What did I just say?" she heard Vaggie cry out in frustration. She had probably had enough of Sir Pentious's machines and now the Egg Bois.

Although Y/N ​​wouldn't say it out loud, she actually really liked Vaggie. She was probably one of her favorites in the hotel. She was actually pleasant company. Plus, she seemed like a really good fighter. She was like the guard of the hotel, protecting the place from all evil. She was really impressed by this. Plus it was really funny sometimes that she got frustrated.

"What? Not my little egg boys. They do my evil bidding for me." said Sir Pentious as he bent desperately to the eggs and hugged them tightly. "Do you want to stay here and redeem yourself?"

"Yes..." Pentious hesitated a bit in his answer. He seemed to really think about it. "Then no more eggs." Vaggie commanded. It was heard from her voice that she had finally closed the matter. There was no chance of opposition.

Pentious's eyes were now watering. He wouldn't admit it out loud either, but he loved his little eggs. During his time in Hell, he really took a liking to them. He didn't want to part with them, but he had to. "All right, eggs. You've got to go." He released them and stood up. "I...Can't keep you anymore."

"Okay, boss." said one, then he and the other four eggs saluted him. Vaggie pushed the boxes and the eggs followed. "No, don't resist. This is how it has to be." The eggs weren't really bothered about having to leave. Although one of them was a little hesitant, he still followed the others.

Charlie looked at him a little regretfully, but she was proud that he had done it. After all, eggs have often caused trouble. And this would hinder Pentious in its development. However, she immediately became concerned when he started crying loudly. She was usually good at comforting, but now she didn't know what to do. After all, they weren't really close yet. She patted his back awkwardly.

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