Dad Beat Dad

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Warnings: Swearing

The morning started interestingly for everyone at the hotel. Well, when they all walked downstairs from their rooms, they were greeted by a strange sight. And this was Charlie, but she looked like a complete wreck.

Her hair was disheveled, and there were small circles under her eyes. Her clothes were also slightly wrinkled.

Everyone wondered what had caused the princess to be so tense. However, none of them have asked anything so far. They all just watched as she mumbled to herself and paced up and down.

Vaggie, who just got up a few minutes ago, walked down to the others and looked at the scene just as surprised. She walked over to Y/N who strangely seemed to have a worried expression on her face.

Vaggie wasn't sure if that was true, but the fact that she wasn't smiling suggested it was. Plus, she and Charlie have gotten really close lately. Maybe something has changed.

"Yikes." Angel's voice was finally heard, looking at the girl with narrowed eyes and a little worry.

"What is going on here?" Vaggie asked as she turned to Y/N. The roe demon hummed in response. "Nobody knows for sure, my dear. We all came down to this mess. But I think it might be something to do with the hotel, based on all the drawings and writing." She pointed to the blackboard in the middle of the living room, where indeed there were lots of drawings and writings.

Vaggie pulled her mouth away slightly and then turned to the princess. "Charlie...You, uh. You good?"

Charlie suddenly turned to them immediately. Everyone noticed that her eyes were slightly bloodshot. They could easily tell that she probably didn't get much sleep. Maybe not at all.

"Nope, no! Not really!" She laughed, but they could tell it was just trying to be a crude tension-relieving laugh. "I've been up all night trying to figure out why the hotel isn't working." She grabbed a piece of paper and clenched it with a sudden force. She became more and more tense.

"We've done trust falls. We've tried sharing our feelings. We only have a couple months left before the angels come." Suddenly her demonic self erupted and she let out a slightly maniacal laugh. However, as quickly as it came, it was gone. "And at this rate-"

"Maybe it's time..." Vaggie began, but Charlie knew exactly what she was trying to suggest. That's exactly why she intervened immediately. "No."

"-to ask..."

"Don't say it." Charlie said in an almost commanding voice as she walked closer to her friend.

"your dad."

Charlie immediately groaned and dropped her head on the couch in frustration. She didn't want to be asked for her father's help. She knew he didn't support her idea in the first place, so it would be futile. Besides, they barely spoke to each other.

However, her tension vanished for a moment when she felt a hand on her hair, lightly caressing it. Surprised, she looked up at the person and to her surprise it was Y/N. The demon smiled gently and reassuringly at her.

Charlie's heart started pounding and she swore her horns might pop off in a few moments. She suddenly forgot that she was tense and could only pay attention to the roe demon's touch.

She let herself relax a bit and leaned into the touch. She tried not to look too enthusiastic, as the tension was still in her. Moreover, she felt that her demonic form was almost crying out for her to come out. She hated that all of this could happen just because Y/N was there, petting her.

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