Hooded Figure

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At noon. It was a clear blue sky. Right after the herbology class with Professor Longbottom. Mico, Ekin, and Monica walked by the lake. It seems, they walked towards the outskirts of The Forbidden Forest. They mocked and laughed at Salsa, Jeslyn and Nuel when in herbology class.

"You see right, she was like, 'i'm sorry i can't' it was funny," said Mico while demonstrating what Salsa did when in herbology class before followed by laughed from his friends.

"And the boy with glasses too, he was like trying to flirt with me in force. He was like don't want to, but have to," laughed Monica.

"Yeah, i saw that. I think because i was trying to flirt with his friend tho, the girl with little of red on her hair, but she is cute tho." Ekin joined their conversation.

Monica and Mico laughed out loud because what Ekin said.

"You like her don't you, Kin?" mocked Monica.

"NO! I'm just.. complimented her... nothing more."

"AHAHAHAHA, you know what. Tomorrow, when the class started, i'm gonna tell her," mocked Monica again.

"Guys... shushh..." said Mico without looked back at his friends.

Three of them immediately stopped and silent. There was a hooded figure stood still outside the outskirt of The Forbidden Forest. Mico, Ekin and Monica doubted themselves to approached the hooded figure. Suddenly the hood of hooded figure moves and showed a little pink lip, and smiled to three of them. They approached the hooded figure slowly.

When they closed enough from the hooded figure. The hooded figure turned around and walked into The Forbidden Forest. "Follow me.." said the hooded figure with calm and soft voice. They first doubted to followed the hooded figure.

"We won't go inside there! Where is our galleons? You'd promise us!" said Mico yelled a little bit, immediately Monica and Ekin calmed him down. The hooded figure stopped and turned it head, showed only the lips made three of them shocked and scared. The hooded figured smiled at three of them, "You still have eight months more to finish it."

"Here. Split it into three." The hooded figure tossed a bag of galleons to Mico and he caught it. Mico smirked, "You will get what you want.."

When they about to went back to Hogwarts, all of them heard a owl's hoot in the middle of the day. They were confused. Monica looked up and there were a white snowy owl pearched on the tree branch, she immediately pointed to the owl.

"Sectumsempra!" casted the hooded figure. A small flash of white light lauched towards the owls. The spell hit the branch and the owl immediately flew away. It looked like the owl got hit by the spill a little bit, becuase the owl flew randomly.

Mico, Ekin and Monica looked back to the hooded figure and it was gone. Three of them were confused what just happened. Monica asked Mico and Ekin to left and both of them agreed. They went back to Hogwarts.

Meanwhile. Salsa, Jeslyn, Nuel, Anton and Ellena were in the library. All of them searched for Zava's cure. They picked every book about curses, potions, even ancient magical herbs. Their table full of stacks of books. It seems like half of the book rack on the second floor were gone because of them. Until.

"Sal.... please for us, tell me what happened in The Lost Tower four months ago... if you tell us, i think it will get easier," ask Anton nicely and calmly. Salsa immediately looked at him and everyone doubtedly.

"It's okay if you don't want to. Don't force it," said Ellena tried to make Salsa calm.

Salsa took a deep breath and exhaled slowly, "Okay..."

Salsa began her story. She told everything what happened since the start of she and Zava went inside the tower. All of her best friend deep in her story. Couple minutes later, she finished her story and her best friend understood what Salsa felt.

"And since then, i always had a nightmare about my dad or Zava. I'm tried everything to forget about what happened there, but i can't. It even hurts me more." Salsa started to cry. Jeslyn and Ellena hugged her to made her comfort.

"I'm sorry too Jes, for what i said when we inside the cave. I shouldn't said that to you," said Ellena softly while hugging Salsa.

"Me too Len, i was soo harsh to you. I even swore to you," smiled Jeslyn.

Nuel suddenly stood up and patted Jeslyn's head shyly. Anton laughed for he just saw. Jeslyn even didn't avoid pat from Nuel. Everyone forgaved each other. Salsa wiped her tears and tied up her eye-patch followed by Jeslyn and Ellena let go of their hug.

Suddenly out of knowhere, Senior Michelle with her right arm wrapped in bandage came up to them, shocked everyone there.

"Senior Nathanael!" hugged Jeslyn happily.

"I mean, Senior Michelle," continued her.

Senior Michelle laughed little bit and pat her head. She confused why there were a lot stacks of books about curses, potions, magical herbs and ancient magical herbs. They explained what happened and she nodded understandly. "have you all heard about The Unknown Black Flower located deep inside The Forbidden Forest?" asked Senior Michelle proudly. All of them immediately looked at her in silent of confusion.

"The Unknown what??" asked Nuel confusedly.

"Ahahahahaha. The Unknown Black Flower," answered Senior Michelle calmly.

"Soo, there was a rumor and legend around that Unknown Black Flower. Someone said the flower can cured all types of disease and curses but no one can prove that, because no one brave enough to explore inside the Forbidden Forest, even Professor Hagrid himself. He wouldn't give permission to student to go inside alone..." explained her slowly.

"Senior Michelle, where did you get that information?" asked Ellena curiously.

"There was a book inside The Restricted Section of this library about the Unexplored Forbidden Forest. If you that book, you have to ask Professor Mcgonagall for the permission."

"And how do you get the book?" asked Ellena.

"Hahahaha...." Senior Michelle laughed and didn't answer her question. Everyone put an annoyed face to her. She stopped laugh, "It's secret!". Everyone disappointed at her because she didn't want to told them how.

"But, for him, i'll help..." continued her.

Salsa was jealous towards Senior Michelle by the how she let herself to helped Zava. Her mind was all of the places, she focused on her feelings more than her logic. She immediately left without said a word to them. Senior Michelle tried to stopped her, but she didn't care at all. Senior Michelle knew what happened, but she kept it for herself and not let everyone knew.

"Next week, we meet here again okay. I'll prepare the plan, everyone will have their own role," said Senior Michelle

As she about to leave, "Don't forget put that books back at their original place!".

She ran off to chased Salsa. Not far from library, she found Salsa sat down by herself in the Transfigurations Court. Immediately she approched her with smile on her face then she sat beside Salsa.

"Why did you ran sal?" asked Senior Michelle calmly.

Salsa didn't answer her question.

"I'm sorry if my words make you jealous..."

Salsa looked at her confusedly and started questioning herself, "how did she know?"

"How do i know? I know Sal, i know. People can lie, but eyes don't."

Salsa speechless in disbelief.

"I might be not knowing him that much like you, but i know enough about him."

"I'm sorry Senior for my behaviour..." said Salsa regretly.

"It's okay, you deserve to know this, because you are his best friend."

"Thank you Senior," smiled Salsa.

Senior patted her head and asked her to get back to her best friends. They became more closer because of that small talked.

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