Full Blood Moon

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A nights later. Jeslyn, Nuel and Senior Michelle were outside the library in the middle of the night. All of them were inside the Invicibility Clock. They weren't supposed to be outside the time curfew. The librarian went out and locked the door.

"Okay, this is your time. Go in, opened the door, take the book and get out!" said Senior Michelle confidently.

"How about you??" asked Nuel whispered.

"I'll be waiting you here use a disillusionment charm, so i'll be fine. If you can't see me, use Revelio to reveal my hiding spot."

Nuel and Jeslyn looked doubtful for what she just said to them.

"Hey, it's okay, you got this! I believe in you! Plus, i still can see you under that charm," said her to made sure they were fine.

"Okay, we got this, right Jess?" Nuel looked at Jeslyn and her hand was trembled under the Invicibility Clock.

"It's okay.. i'll do it.."

Nuel raised his wand and immediately got stopped by Jeslyn. She ensured Nuel that she can did it by herself. Nuel smiled and trusted her. She raised her wand, closed her eyes for a second, exhaled her breath and casted Alohomora. There was a click sound inside the door and the door opened by itself.

The Library was so dark just only moonshines that lighted the whole library ground floor. They walked towards the Library Restricted Section. There were two doors with rope tied on the door handle, they untied the rope and went inside The Restricted Section. After Nuel closed the door back, both of them removed the Invicibility Cloak and searched about that book.

There were a lot of thick, dusted, and old-cover book, they didn't know how to where to started from because Senior Michelle forgot to told them where the book was put on. They checked shelves after shelves until Jeslyn remembered something.

"Why don't we use accio for summon the book?" asked Jeslyn

"Smart girl!" complimented Nuel while patting her head. Jeslyn looked down embarrassed.

They both stood up in front of the door and raised their wand.

"This will end up successfully or will end up very badly," said Nuel optimistically.

"Ready Jess?" asked Nuel. Jeslyn answered with nodded her head.

They were exhaled their breath together and then casted.

"Accio Book of Forbidden Forest!"

"Accio book!"

Jeslyn casted the full sentences made four books of Forbidden Forest flew towards her and she succed to get away from it and she picked the one that they needed. But Nuel who casted just half the sentences made the every book on every shelves flew towards him and some of the books hit Jeslyn. They have to got back from there before someone caught them inside The Restricted Section. And for what Nuel said before, he was right and wrong at the same time.

They were right, inside the Invisibility Cloak they saw Mr. Filch and the librarian came in and passed right in front of Nuel and Jeslyn who were already inside the Invisibility Cloak. Before the door fully closed, they were immediately went out from the library with the book around Jeslyn's hand. They can heard their own heart beat, and it was fast, Jeslyn also sweated all of her face. Nuel wiped it with his rob-sleeves.

Outside the library, they looked around for Senior Michelle and they didn't see anyone. After everything was saved, they opened the cloak and caught their breath while wiped their sweats. Nuel remembered something and casted Revelio to the room and revealed Senior Michelle disguised as a wall using Illusiont.

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