Unknown Black Flower

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It got darker and darker inside the Forbidden Forest. Jeslyn's hand trembled while holding the lantern. She asked her friends to stop for a moment. She caught her breath companied by Nuel who sat down beside her. Anton and Ellena confused, because they never saw Jeslyn this bad. She had a panic attack. Nuel explained everything.

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6 years ago, when they were in first grade of senior highschool. Monthly scout event held, where the selected students attended the event. Jeslyn, Nuel, Zava, Salsa, Anton and Ellena were some of that selected students. Unfortunately, Jeslyn and Nuel were seperated from their friends, but they in same group whilst the other don't. Even they were seperated, they still in good mood, cause this event was their first scout event.

The first activity for that day was exploring the woods with only map and compass. The woods were not that big and dangerous, but people still can be lost inside it. Nuel and Jeslyn were right on the back positions of their groups. They got distracted by beautiful butterfly.

"Jess! Look!" said Nuel excitedly while pointing at the butterfly

Jeslyn approached Nuel who sneaked near the bushes. She squated beside Nuel and shocked what she saw. It was black with little red dot on the wing, and it was medium size butterfly. Jeslyn accidently stepped on the twigs and made a cracked sound that make the butterfly flew away. Suddenly one of their group friend came up to them.

"WOY! Faster! Damn it!" shouted one of their group friend.

Both of them immediately looked at him and apologised, "Sorry, sorry.." then both of them were following him back to the group.

It was middle of the day, they were supposed to went out from these woods earlier but because of wrong path that their leader choose the wrong direction. The sun were right on top of them, they were exhausted, tired, thirsty and hungry. Suddenly Nuel heard a splashes of water then followed by the other. All of them ran towards the sounds of water, and it was a river banks.

Without any hestitation all of them were washing their faces and some of them were driking the water. Jeslyn sat down on one of the three stump while the other played with water. Immediately, she felt something a lot crawled. When she dared herself to looked back. Dozens of spiderlings maybe hundreds crawled up to her back. She panicked and screamed. Her screamed made everyone immediately rushed to her.

Jeslyn didn't brave to moved her body, until she saw couple of spiderlings on her shoulder. She screamed again, "HELP MEE!!!!"

Out of knowhere the leader of their groups suddenly pushed Jeslyn to the river, but without he knew, she couldn't swim. She can't believed for just what happened. Panic set in as the current drove her away from the safety riverbank. Nuel saw that Jeslyn started swifted away and away from the riverbank, without any hestitation, he wore off his shoes and dove into the water.

He swam with determination towards Jeslyn, who strugled with the river current. His strokes closed the gap and as he reached her, he managed to grab and hold to her weak body.

"Stay calm, Jes!" Nuel reassured her.

With firm grip on Jeslyn body, Nuel began swimming towards the riverbanks, fought against the relentless-strong current. Jeslyn clung to Nuel, her heart pounded with fear and her eyes started to fading out. Inch by inch, strokes by strokes Nuel fought the current, finally they reached the safety shore.

Jeslyn was laying unconscious. Nuel immediately gave her a CPR and begged for her to wake up. He put his ear to her chest and heard slow heart beat, and he did the CPR again. Realized that the CPR wont worked, he did the mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. "I'm sorry Jess...."

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