Final Chapter (End of ACT 2)

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BEETLEJUICE: AHHHHHHH!! I'M ALIVE! Wow, are those birds? They sound so beautiful. And that makes me feel... oh god, I actually feel! happy! I've never felt this before. This is amazing! But what if it doesn't last? Oh god, I'm so worried now. The happiness is completely gone, and that just makes me really sad. You know? Just like, what if I'm never happy again? Oh god, just the thought of that makes me so ANGRY! AND I DON'T KNOW HOW TO PROCESS MY ANGER BECAUSE AS A SOCIETY WE DON'T TEACH MEN HOW TO PROCESS THEIR ANGER, SO MAYBE I'LL JUST TRY...MURDER! (LEVI hugs him.) AGHHHH! OKAY! Okay, I see what you did there. That's a neat trick.

DELIA: You hugged him and kissed her!

ADAM: With familial love for him and romantic love for her!

MADDIE: That feels meaningful.

BARBARA: I don't understand! You brought her to life, just so you could love her and so she could have her dad?

LEVI: Exactly.

DELIA: But now they'll be-

LEVI: Not evil anymore. Adam, we don't need a door.

ADAM: Chapter one! Proceed directly to the Netherworld!

BARBARA: Hey Beetlejuice and Maddie!


BEETLEJUICE: Maddie and Levi...

JUNO: Beetlejuice and Maddie!

MADDIE: Oh crap!

JUNO: I should've guessed you two would be mixed up in all of this! God, you two are screw ups!

BEETLEJUICE: Why do you gotta be so hard on me, Mom?

ALL: Wait, WHAT?

MADDIE: This is so embarrassing.

JUNO: You two are the embarrassments. To the dead. You two were so desperate for somebody to love you two that you two act like two damn fools. Now you two have someone to love you two.


JUNO: STOP! GET OUTTA MY WAY. You! (a beat.) You two live with Levi, you two don't come back to the Neatherworld. That's the rule.

MADDIE: Back off, Grandma! Back off! Because of him, I get to live, and can I just say something? Life is a goddamn roller coaster, I don't know how you people do that. it's just like " Wah, Wah, Wah Wah Wah Wah." All these feelings. One minute you're on top of the world, and the next minute, you feel like no one will ever love you... This guy knows what I'm talking about! Thank you for being here. But, it's worth it. Every bit of it. And I'm not gonna let you take it from him!

JUNO: Oh, Lawrence and Debora, that was beautiful. Maybe I've been all wrong about you. And I'll admit. I haven't always been such a good mother and grandmother. But that's only because I WISH YOU TWO WERE NEVER BORN!


JUNO: NOW! You two! You two are not coming with me.

LEVI: You know what? I've already been to hell and back. I've learned a lot. And I think I'll take a chance on life! People! Like these weirdos.

CHARLES: He's not going anywhere.

BARBARA: Yeah, back off!

ADAM: Over our dead bodies!

DELIA: Yeah! I'm a part of this too! I don't know get it, but I'm a part of it!

JUNO: Oh, look at you! All ganging up against the mean lady from hell! Adorable! Fine, you wanna be together? YOU CAN DIE TOGETHER!

(BEETLEJUICE and MADDIE bursts in on the Sandworm.)

MADDIE: WOO! Hiya grandma! (in a southern accent.) Now, go on girl, get out of here, you know you're free, go on, get out of here. Check it out, Levi! Now you and my dad both got Dead Moms! Well, I should probably stay. Gonna go on a little vision quest, find my dad, later on. SEQUEL (air horn.) Adam, you're boring. But you're sexy. Own that. Barbara, put her there... now put her here, OWWWWW! Eh, it was worth a shot. Respect. Delilah...

DELIA: Delia.

BEETLEJUICE: We didn't hang out much, Charles! You ripe old bastard. Never change!

CHARLES: I already did change. I changed a lot.

MADDIE: Well then, go fuck yourself. And Levi, I think I'll miss you most of all. Dear.

LEVI: You smell great. I love you, Debora.

BEETLEJUICE: And I know that now and she loves you too, Levi.

CHARLES: This has been a strange day.

LEVI: Strange and unusual.

MADDIE: Your crazy plan worked!

LEVI: We made a good team! We did change someone though.

BEETLEJUICE: Yes, but we did it together!

LEVI: Adam and Barbara? Do you mind if we all share this house!

BARBARA: Awwwww...

ADAM: We'd love it! I'm sorry it's kind of a mess.

BARBARA: Nothing we can't fix.

DELIA: Well, I'm so happy for all of you. I guess I'll just go.

LEVI: Delia-

DELIA: Yeah, did you say something?

LEVI: I want you to stay. It's just like you said, you don't always get it, but you're a part of it.

DELIA: SUCKS-YES! I'm gonna say it! This is the best day of my life!

LEVI: Let's clean up?

CHARLES: Hey! Your mother loved this song.

LEVI: Shake, shake, shake, Senora. Shake your body line. Shake, shake, shake, Senora. Shake it all the time.

LEVI/CHARLES/ADAM/BEETLEJUCE: Work, work, work, Senora. Work your body line.

LEVI/BARBARA/DELIA/ADAM/CHARLES/MADDIE/BEETLEJUICE: Work, work, work, Sonora. Work it all the time.

CHARLES: My girl's name is Senora.

BARBARA: I tell you, friends, I adore her

ADAM: And when she dances, oh brother

DELIA: She's a hurricane in all kinds of weather

ALL (LEVI AND MADDIE): Jump in the line, rock your body in time (Okay, I believe you) Jump in the line, rock your body in time (Okay, I believe you)

LEVI/DELIA/MADDIE (ENSEMBLE): Shake, shake, shake, Senora. Ahh (Shake your body line)
Work, work, work, Senora. Ahh (Work it all the time) Woo!

LEVI AND MADDIE (ENSEMBLE): Mama, if you're listenin', Doesn't this just blow your mind? (Shake, shake, shake, shake, Senora) (Shake, shake, shake, shake, Senora) I was on a mission, this is what I left behind (Shake, shake, shake, shake, Senora) (Shake, shake, shake, shake, Senora) I'll miss you every day, seek a little strange and unusual and you will find (Shake, shake, shake, shake, Senora) Life beyond all comprehension (Shake, shake, shake, shake, Senora) A mess in multiple dimensions, a little unconventional, I know (Shake, shake) But, Mama, I'm home (Daylight come and we wanna go home) (Daylight come and we wanna go home) I'm home (Daylight come and we wanna go home) (Shake, shake, shake, Senora) I'm home!

(LEVI AND MADDIE kiss to end the show and it shows 4 years later where Maddie has quadruplets: Emily, Pippa, Leon, and Draco. Beetlejuice is a amazing grandfather to his grandkids.)

                                      THE END!

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