Special Guests .

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Amelia .

I'm so tired, Angie made me try all the clothes from every shop we entered, well not all of them but gosh it was just a lot for me, but I finally  found the dress which looks good on me, it's a red tight fitting dress, very long and just sexy .
It's a very bold color but I like it .

It's 3pm right now and I have to rush to work, I really wish Angie can come with me to do my hair and help me with my dress .

"I was thinking.." Angie suddenly says .

"About what ?"

"Why don't you make time to rush back home and I'll prep you up, all you have to do is ask when are the special guests coming then you make time  blah blah blah "

" Actually that could work, let me ask Rose cause I've been thinking how am I gonna do everything by myself "

" I know I'm a genius that's why you keep me around" I laugh at her smart ass while calling Rose .

It rings for a while until she finally answers.

" hello dear"

"Hi Rose, I umh I, at what time will our guests arrive ?"

"I think seven, I'm not really sure let me check again"

"I uhm I was thinking you know, I wanted to make time to go home and prep myself you know before they arrive, I promise I'll be fast"

I hear shuffling at Rose's side .

" found it, yeah it's seven and oh I can get Leo to give you a ride so that you can save more time "

" oh no Rose that won't be necessary, I can .."

" listen dear, I'm sorry to cut you off, Leo is not that bad and anyway this for work so don't worry about anything okay, when are you coming to prep the meal and everything ?"

" I'll see, if I can't get my own transport on time then I'll consider him and I'll be there in a few minutes "

I hung up

"What's wrong, you don't look so happy right now, what did Rose say ?" Angie asks giving me all the attention .

" That it's okay but she wants me to ride with her son to save time" I sigh, I really don't like the idea of being with Leo alone after what just happened ... I promised myself that this time I'm staying away from him and I intend to do just that

And oh I already told Angie about what happened and she was not happy, just like me she thinks it's best I stay away .

" oh boo, I know it's going to be hard but you need to face him somehow you know, but you don't have to force yourself thou, well I have a dumbass at work who got the hots for me, I can ask him to give you a ride and ofcourse I'll ride with ya'll "

" You're dating and you did not tell me ? Is he handsome? Does he treats you like a queen you're? Oh my gosh you said at-"

" hold it girl jeez, I said he has the hots for me okay, we're not dating !" Angie half yells

" and yes he's handsome and he does treat me better, just that you know I don't wanna ... you're gonna be late, we'll talk about this after dinner I promise"  Angie say with a huge blush on her face, goodness she likes him !

" My Angie got a boy, my Angie got a boy " I start singing making her blush even more, I laugh at her reaction .

" you look so cute right now " I giggle

" Stop it Lia " she's still blushing and it's adorable .

" okay okay, but we're not with this, let me love and leave you okay, are you sure you're gonna be able to handle all those bags? I mean I can hel-"

" it's okay go, you're running out of time "

" okay, I'll see you later "
I hug Angie and give her a kiss on the cheek and I get a cab to work .


I get to work on time atleast, I let Rose know that I'm already here as I go ready to make some hot mess in the kitchen .

Just like last time, I made sure I cook rice and meat yesterday and let it rest for the night the fridge, so today I'm on doing much I'm going according to how I did this the last time it came out positive  .

After I'm done, I put the food in the foodwarmer to keep it hot and fresh as I work on deserts, anyway I think brownies will go along with the meal and I start working on them too .

After half an hour, I'm done with everything and I'm pleaded with myself, some chefs will handle starters and some drinks and I was glad for that cause it saved me from being pressured .

I go to Rose's office to let her know that I'm done, so that I can leave and prepare myself .
I meet Leo on my way, I've been avoiding him since I got here .

" Ms Black, are you done? We can get going ." He says, I can't help but feel like his aura is cold ... I look up to him and I find him already staring ... I can't back down .

" it's okay sir, I aleardy have a ride"  I try to pass him and ge grabs my hand"

" I wasn't asking Amelia, don't piss me off I don't have time for your petty games "

" And I also don't have time for you, get your fucken hands off me Leo or I swear to God it will be last thing you do, I won't tolerate you manhandling me when you feel like it i dont care if you'rea fucking don pr what, fuck off I don't need you and  your ride " he loosened his hold on me, and I get out of his grasp while glaring at him, he makes me angry for fucks sake .

"If only you knew sweetheart, you'd care ... and stop swearing, i dont like to hear those awful words coming out of your pretty mouth, i can only appreciate- "

"Oh fuck you! And don't call me that .. ever again!"

I make a u-turn and get myself a ride, fuck I'm so pissed off I have to calm down .

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