Going home.

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"I've tortured those motherfuckers, but they don't know who made the hit, it seems like we're dealing with someone capable and they are able to hide and not expose themselves" Damon says.

We've, actually Damon has been trying to find the bastard who wanted Amelia dead, they're really good at hiding as Damon has said, it's like a ghost, they just came and their move then disappeared like that, which makes me so angry.

"Leo, there's something I don't really get." Damon says while going through some files.

"What?" I ask.

"Whomever ordered the hit, why do they want to kill Amelia?" He ask.

"That's a really good question, did you ask the hitman?" I ask, also curious why do they want my sweetheart dead.

My jaw clenches as I think about it, just the thought of her.... fuck I already hate seeing her in pain what would I do if she wa-was ..


I would fucken paint the whole world red, I ..

"LEO SNAP OUT OF IT MAN" Damon's shout gets me out of my head.

I slowly unclench my jaw and fists.

"Amelia's getting discharged today, after I bring her back home I'll be at the warehouse, it's time I deal with those motherfuckers myslef.... whomever hurts my sweetheart has to feel my wrath, it's unfortunate that they won't live to tell a tale" I clench my fists as I say with a cold tone

"When are you gonna tell her that you love her man?" Damon suddenly ask making me choke on the whiskey I am drinking.

"What? You love her man it's clearly written on your face, whenever there's  something involving her you always get some sort of reaction, your actions towards her man, the way you just clenched your fists thinking about someone who wants her dead, the thought of it makes you angry and terrified... that's love, you love her Leo and the sooner you admit that you do the better for the both of you, unless you want to see some idiot making her happy then..."

"FUCK, I'd KILL that motherfucker, every motherfucker who think they can have what is mine will die and horrible slow painful death, she's fucken mine, mine." I say angrily.

"Then act like it, let her know how you feel and stop trying to hurt her with your actions, cut those useless bitchies alone." Damon says and leaves me alone in the room, while I think about what he said.

"Fuck" I sigh.

Let me go get my sweetheart.



"I'm so happy that you're coming home, I've been so lonely and miserable without you at home and i miss yiur cooking so bad" Angie says with a pout.

"I'm also glad that I'm coming out of this place, I was somehow suffocating in here"

"I don't wanna see you back here, unless it's for our babies but besides that please don't come back here"  Angie says and I widen my eyes at what she just said and she laughs at my reaction, this girl!

"What!? Babies... how can you think about Babies at this point Angie and say that like it's a normal thing to do on a daily?" I ask bewildered.

I never really thought of having Babies or a baby really, would I even be a good mom? Would I be able to protect them from this world? Do I even wanna bring a baby into this messy world?

"What? Are you scared of Babies or that you still haven't popped your cherry yet?" Angie asks, making me embarrassed.

"Stop, you're embarrassing me jeez." I'm sure I'm beet red right now.

"What it's not a bad thing that you're still a virgin, there's nothing to be embarrassed about Lia come on" she says giggling a bit.

We hear someone clearing their throat and we both look at the door, fuck it's Leo.

Did he hear our conversation? He looks a me with a slight smirk on his face. Oh my gosh he knows, he heard the whole thing! I hide my face with my hands wishing that the earth could open up and swallow me.

"Ladies" he greets, still looking at me with that smirk on his face, wish I could wipe it off with a slap.

"Hey Leo" Angie greets back.

"Ready to go home sweetheart" he says as he comes closer to me making my heart beat a bit faster, he gives me a kiss on my forehead, turning my brain into mush.

"Yeah" that came out as a whisper.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29 ⏰

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