Chapter one: The Cabin in the woods

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A rendering to commute many misgivings. An old abandoned retreat once known well. Weathered and seeped in moss and greens. Slithering through the little known trails to the cabin nestled quietly in shrouded peak darkness. Guided by only a full crystal moon at the highest peak. A faint memory of these unmarked trails.

I was forsaken by all souls and with no self respect left, I knock once sharply and again lightly against the heavy oak door. I enter through the door and shut it behind me. I had made my prescence known by my personal knock. I had entered his domain, the beast. My abatements and fears ease as the figure makes a path for me. Abrasive was a middle ground washing out beneath my feet.

Grasping my arm, he spins me around and pulls me firmly against his chest. i lightly struggle against his firm grasp which he tightens until I stop fighting him. HIs control of me superceeds any thought or movements i have. I then melt into the embrace, wrapping my arms around his thick neck and back.

He begins to growl deep within, like a hum coming inside his soul. Backing me up against the wall he nudges my legs apart. He begins to clip my wrists and ankles into place along the wall. I realize the mistake I've made at this very moment. I know I'm screwed. It was too easy. I've made him wait far to long before coming back to see him.

I know I'm about to be shown that a months time was too long. I wait for the onslaught to begin against my body. He stalls, amping up my already raw sexual tension and energies. Taking a sharp knife from the side table he deliberately and slowly cuts down my shirt. Exposing me to the cool nights elements inside the cabin. My lacey bra is almost see through, the odd ambient air up high immediately puckering my nipples.

He inhales and snaps off the bra with two fingers. He then trails the edge of his fingernail down the sides of my cheek, along my neck and down towards my breasts. My back arches involuntarily and I groan from it. He leans forward and snatches my right nipple into his mouth. Cupping my other breast in his other hand, rubbing my nipple gently back and forth. I pull backwards against the wall, my head hitting the velvet lining.

A large roaring fire is across the room casting shadows against the walls in the room. He pulls off my breast, running the knife blade down my cool skin, making me jump a little. He snarls as i jump, as if the thought of him hurting me displeases him. He's made his way to the top of my jeans.

I giggle, just a little bit, bouncing my hips up at him.

I reply to his snarl," My master is hungry tonight, is he not?"

He glares at me and then proceeds to tear my jeans in half off my body. he then rips off my lacey thong underwear. A look of satisfaction comes over his face as I stand there naked and shackled up. Apparently nothing needs to be int he way of his ultimate goals tonight.

That's when it happens.

He looks at my skin noticing something he's never seen on me before. He comes closer and inspects the tattoo that I've gotten since our last meeting. His eyes snap to mine, demanding an answer from me. Almost afraid to speak, due to the ice in his eyes, I cringe.

He softens his eyes just a little bit and I relax. He reaches out and touches the tattoo, letting out a soft guttural moan. Which in turn makes me shiver and I let out a softer more sexual moan.

He stands up and grasps my chin, forcing me to look him in the eyes.

"When Wench?", he demands of me.

I reply back, " Three weeks ago, my master."

He then asks me the one question I knew a thoughtful reply would be needed.

"Why did you forget to consult your master with this before doing it?', he snarls.

I immediately bow my head in total submission, " I wanted to surprise master with his mark."

He grunts in response and releases my chin. I pick my head up and watch him. A wicked gleam overcomes his features and his eyes seem to dance with mischief. I've never seen this look before on him before. I start to shake a little in my bonds, not knowing what to make of my current situation.

I just know that something is coming that will knock me into oblivion.

He struts over to our dresser, knowing each drawer by heart. So do I. As for what is contained in those drawers will be forever an imprint into my mind. I try to see around his towering frame, but hes purposely blocking my view. I begin to strain against my bonds, trying in desperation to see which drawer he's picking from.

My master's head spins around and he gives me a warming.
" Stop pulling wench or you'll receive pain instead of pleasure tonight", he spits out.

I immediately stop pulling and remain quiet and attentive.

I know better then to misbehave. I'd much rather be ravaged and have pleasure instead of the pain.

My master has gathered his " torture me" devices. He's laid a satin cloth over the tray of devices, as was his custom of doing. By doing so he keeps me guessing as to what will happen. To keep my sexual amps at a top level, so he gets what he wants in response.

He lays a kiss to my lips which i eagerly open and receive. Grasping my head, he deepens the kiss as he slides a soft mask over my eyes.

He then cups my "gem" and I exhale deeply, with a cry into his mouth. He grins against my mouth and pulls away from me. Leaving me panting already. I've grown accustomed to his quick and tense teasing's. It's his way to build me up until I explode from his treatments upon me.

Since I cant see anything from the mask upon my face, I begin to listen intently for his breathing and footsteps.

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