Chapter Eleven: Point of Care

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As I gulp down the rest of my tea, I start to stand up. I quickly realize this was a majorly bad idea. I start to feel dizzy and start to fall sideways. Drew catches me, as if he materialized out of thin air. The swooping hero.

" That's it!, he yells. "You're not to be left alone for any reason." he tells me.

"Doc, my office now!," he yells across the massive house.

He carries me into his office and I'm laid onto a couch. In walks a young female doctor, one whom I'd presumed would be male. Drew is formal with her and introduces me, the damn patient. She introduces herself as Emelia Crown, she's the business partner for his regular doctor. His normal doctor is on vacation with his family. She's here as a favor because Drew is a prominent client.

She begins with a series of questions, all routine. Her last question she hands me a urine cup and tells me to go pee in it and bring it back to her. I shake my head no, to which Drew takes the cup and pulls me to my feet. " Yes." he tells me with that stern look in his eyes. I know what that means. I go limp in his arms and he hoists me across his back and shoulders.

Dr. Crown explains she's trying to rule out a urinary tract infection or pregnancy as the cause for my multitude of symptoms. I just groan inwardly.

My private thoughts getting to much for me. Kids? Pregnancy? Like WTF! I'm so not ready to be a mother right now. I have a wedding to plan and a life to start. I cant be pregnant right now. That's the last thing I want in my life. Diapers, throw up, two am feedings. UGH.

I've been on the shot for the last two years. I'm praying its nothing more then a uti. Drew takes me to the bathroom adjacent to his office. I begrudgingly do as I was told and pee in the cup. I leave it on the counter and wash my hands. I come back out with Drew hot on my heels.

" Its on the counter Doc." I say without any enthusiasm.

She laughs lightly and walks into the bathroom after me. She in there for a few minutes and then comes out. " Well, I have some news for you. Do you want the good news or bad news first." she asks us. Drew just looks at the doctor who then looks at me. I look bewildered and just hang my head down. Drew speaks up, " Well, doc, don't leave me in suspense, what's the verdict.?"

" Its nothing to worry about. It'll resolve in approximately 9 months and a week. Your test came back positive for both a uti and pregnancy. Congratulations. I'll prescribe a antibiotic for the uti and make you an obstetrics appointment too.

I was still silent until I hear Mrs. Searys voice saying " I heard baby". I lost my entire shit then. I begin to laugh manically like a hyena and start to hyperventilate. I have my head hanging damn near to the floor and I cant stop the tears that are flowing down my cheeks. I just shake my head back and forth rapidly. I've taken my shots, how in the hell can I be pregnant! Does he have super swimmers or something. Am I a mutant so that the shot doesn't work for me. OMG. Im pregnant. '

The room seems like its closing in on me. Im freaking out, I cant breath. Drew notices me after coming to his own senses after screaming out " yes, yes, yes," with the enthusiasm of a Nascar driver winning the cup. He sits down next to me and pulls me into his lap. Im still struggling to breath and he holds me closer then ever before. I'm in panic mode. I slowly start to calm down with his arms wrapped tightly around me. Im listening to the beats of his heart inside his chest, counting down.

"Honey, look at me. Hey, Hi, yeah. Are you okay with this? Do you want to have a baby with me? I couldn't be more happy with the news. Are you okay, you're barely holding onto me right now." he says to me.

In answer to his too many questions, I start bawling again. I just shake my head yes.

" Darling, I need your words not a shaking of your head." Drew says.

I mumble and squeak, out " Yes". then start crying again.

Drew wraps me up in a blanket burrito style and carries me to what has to be his favorite chair in the office. Its well worn in and comfy as hell.

Mrs. Searys pokes her head back into the office. " Did I hear baby"?

Drew laughs and confirms my pregnancy. " Mrs. Searys, you have ears like a bat. How the hell did you hear that from the kitchen?"

She just shakes her head and comes over to us. She give us both a big momma bear like hug and kisses me on my forehead. I'm still a mess, hiccupping, snorting back snot and sniffling.

" I'll be right back with some lavender tea for you dearie. Also a bottle of scotch for you Mr. Darrow." Mrs. Searys says.

" Bring four glasses, and tell Hensely to come in here for a second too." Drew says.

" Doc, your joining in the toast. You've just given us the best news I could've asked for." he jibes at the doctor. " It's going to change our lives for the better. "

The doctor agrees to take her offered glass upon the return of Mrs. Searys and Mr. Hensley. Me, Im still an unsure fucking mess. At least my hiccups and crying have stopped.

Mrs. Searys arrives promptly with the glasses, scotch and my tea. I reach out with shaky hands to take the plate of tea and yummy looking cookies. I immediately dip the cookies into the tea and devour them. I can already tell that she thinks of the littlest things that ultimately matter when needed.

" Thank you, Mrs. Searys. I feel better already. You're so thoughtful, howd you know I would like cookies?' I ask her.

"I baked right before you got here. I figured something to ease your stomach might help." she replies.

Mrs. Searys says that Mr. Hensley will be right in. " I cant wait to help with a new baby and helping to decorate a nursery with you ma'am. This is so exciting." she says as Hensley walk into the office.

Mr. Hensley walks in and says " Baby nursery?" looking confused.

Drew hands him a glass filled to the very top with scotch. " You heard right old man. Im going to be a father! My gorgeous wife is pregnant."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13 ⏰

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